ADL: “Anti-Bias” Teacher To Gay-Friendly Military?

As the walls crumble, the enemies of civilization pour through… -Ed.

With repeal by Congress of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” the Anti-Defamation League offered its services to the U.S. military to implement a military version of the hate crimes laws it has proliferated throughout the Western world., “ADL Hails Historic Repeal of ’Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Dec. 20, 2010

“The League stands ready to use its anti-bias screening expertise to help the service branches implement this new policy, permitting the full integration of gays and lesbians into the armed forces.”  

The military will now officially allow service members opportunity for same-sex activity on leave (including in homosexual bathhouses) just as military authorities have looked the other way for millennia as soldiers have visited brothels. The general rule is contained in Article 131 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). It only prohibits “conduct which is of a nature to bring discredit upon the armed forces, or conduct which is prejudicial to good order and discipline.” In other words, discreet sexual activity which does not affect the discipline or reputation of the military probably won’t be prosecuted. A certain element of DADT has thus always existed in the military’s attitude to troops’ sexual activity in their free time.

But ADL will take the repeal of DADT much further if it becomes the teacher of “tolerance” to the armed forces. Historically, free speech in the military has not included the right to publicly criticize or foment insubordination against higher command. But it has allowed Biblically based criticism of fornication, adultery and homosexuality, even from the pulpit by chaplains.

ADL offers educational assistance to implement DADT in order to legitimize and protect sodomy, an activity defined by Christians as a perversion of the laws of God and nature. As with its pro-homosexual hate laws, the educational and enforcement efforts of ADL would be almost certainly two-fold:

1) Elevation of homosexuals to special positions of protection and privilege.

2) Vilification and increased punishment of those who criticize (i.e., “harass,” “intimidate,” “bully”) homosexual soldiers.

The aim of any ADL educational “anti-bias” program for the military will be to condition military personnel to believe Biblically based “hate speech” critical of homosexuality must never be allowed to raise its ugly head.

If ADL is successful, the US military, which has historically been very tolerant of Christians, will punish members who state their conviction that homosexuality is a sin requiring repentance. The armed services will become hostile territory to Christian convictions and will punish believers who refuse to stifle their consciences and remain silent. It will become, more than ever, a mercenary one-world “peacekeeping” force in service of globalist, Zionist goals.
