What are EAU’s Plans for the Upcoming Year?

by John Young

Back in October, European Americans United held its annual membership conference in an undisclosed location. The conference included board members and many other members.

As our Constitution spells out, EAU already has important long-term objectives. However, we like to turn to the membership for ideas for advancing those objectives.

As part of the conference, we broke up our members into teams and had them brainstorm. Then, the ideas from each team were discussed and voted on. Those getting the nod from the members present have made our agenda for the upcoming year.

This information has been posted on the Board of Directors blog on our Members-Only website.

If you are a member of EAU, it’s important for you to be in the loop; so if you are having difficulty reaching that site, please http://www.europeanamericansunited.org/home/contact so I can correct any problems.
