The FRC, the KKK and the SPLC

Any manifestation of morality or tradition is now officially off limits, according to the $outhern Poverty Law Center.

by James Edwards

Leftwingers and homosexuals are wasting no time in pressuring news media outlets to start treating the Family Research Council as a pariah now that it’s been officially declared a “hate group” by the SPLC (along with the American Family Association).

Homosexual activist and perverted sex columnist Dan Savage has jumped right in, denouncing news networks for giving airtime to “hatemongers” who oppose gay marriage. Savage says CNN wouldn’t give airtime to a group that wants to ban interracial marriage, so why are they playing nice with groups like the Family Research Council which have now been declared on a par with the KKK?<snip>

Just to make sure there was no misunderstanding, a well known liberal blog asked the SPLC’s Heidi Beirichtwice–if the SPLC is really comparing the Family Research Council to the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazi Party. And, twice, she said that’s exactly what the SPLC is doing.

As Beirich told me, there is no difference between the FRC and the KKK in the eyes of the SPLC now.

