Discrimination Against Whites a Condition of Doing Business

The agency also uses taxpayer monies to influence big business, where those businesses who voluntarily discriminate against whites in favor of MWBE’s remain in good standing with the state government. (1)

The New York State Office for Technology (OFT) is celebrating its success in reaching a new level of anti-white discrimination, with procurement awards from state agencies to “minority and women’s business enterprises” (MWBE’s)  jumping from 1% in 2007 to 20%  in 2010.

The jump is no coincidence, however, as it follows a well-orchestrated campaign against white-owned business by the state, where prime contractors are required to abandon their relationships with white-owned enterprises until a “level playing field” is reached. According to New York State, this figure is 20%, for now.

The agency also uses taxpayer monies to influence big business, where those businesses who voluntarily discriminate against whites in favor of MWBE’s remain in good standing with the state government. In compliance with the state, Dell, Deloitte, EMC2, Hewlett Packard, IBM, Microsoft, infrastructure technologies, Oracle, Tandberg, Unisys, and Xerox have all cut ties with white businesses in pursuit of awarding contracts to MWBE’s. They maintain their business relationship with New York State.


(1) http://www.europeanamericansunited.org/home/node/18
