Curry Todd Action Alert: Pressure Mounts

They’re mad because Curry Todd’s statement might wake white people up to the fact they’re being dispossessed of their own country. ALL members of EAU are therefore asked to contact Rep Todd and extend their manifest support.

by James Edwards

State Rep. Curry Todd, from right here in the Memphis area, continues to come under fire from an ungodly bunch of illegal aliens and their advocates, homosexuals, Judeo-Christians, black radicals, and liberal whites. Even Tennessee’s Head Liberal In Charge, Governor Phil Bredesen, has denounced Rep. Todd for his remarks about illegals being encouraged to multiply like rats when we not only give them free prenatal care, but pass laws saying welfare workers can’t even ask them if they’re in the country legally.

First off, when did liberals suddenly get so excited about what they normally refer to as “fetal tissue”, or a “fetus”? The black welfare worker Rep. Todd made the remark to used the term “unborn babies” and Gov. Bredesen calls them “children.” So when liberals are encouraging white Americans to get abortions, it’s “fetal tissue”, but when illegal aliens are breeding like rats on the taxpayer’s dime it’s an “unborn baby.”

Let’s hope Rep. Todd continues to defy the the mounting pressure to grovel to our invaders and issue an apology.

