The REAL Housewives of Idaho

White American women show how its done.

On Friday night, October 16, Bill Maher went on a rant about legendary NFL quarterback and perpetual teenager Brett Favre’s recent troubles regarding his alleged “sexting” to a female employee of the New York Jets.

But before too long he turned it into a disgustingly filthy diatribe against “white men” and the type of women they like. It eventually came down to an attack on his favorite target, Sarah Palin and other conservative women. He pompously posited that white men like these women saying, “my theory is that these women represent something those men miss dearly: the traditional idiot housewife.” [emphasis added]

And it got me to thinking what kind of “housewife” the never-married Maher might like?

Perhaps it would be the phony ones on television.

I am referring to the series of shows completely mislabeled as the “Real Housewives of…New York, New Jersey, Atlanta, D.C. and the OC and Beverly Hills.”

