Tea Party Triumphs: The White Giant Is Stirring

By Peter Brimelow

It’s hard not to laugh out loud while watching the ruling class’s extraordinary temper tantrum over the nomination victories of so many Tea Party candidates on Tuesday night, above all that of Christine O’Donnell in Delaware. Karl Rove, who for some reason is now employed as a political commentator, complained she’s said “nutty” things and can’t be elected—this is the Karl Rove who abandoned the Reagan coalition and navigated the GOP to utter disaster? What more do O’Donnell, and many disgruntled donors around the country, need?At VDARE.COM, we’ve long been interested in late Reagan aide Lynn Nofziger’s    argument that the arrogant refusal of both party Establishments to reduce immigration could well spark a successful Third Party. It now looks like the Tea Partiers, with their very conscious contempt for the GOP leadership, are emerging as a sort of Third Party within the Second Party. (In Colorado, of course, Tom Tancredo has circumvented the local GOP Establishment with an actual Third Party bid).

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