Establishment v Tea Party

Fearful leftist, neocon wonks prance insolent.

For Republicans, Tuesday’s primaries underscored the fractured battle among its ranks: establishment versus Tea Party.

In Delaware, Christine O’Donnell, endorsed by Sarah Palin and conservative Senator Jim DeMint, won a stunning upset over mike castle, a popular moderate Republican.

Advantage: Tea Party

In New York, former Republican congressman Rick Lazio lost to outspoken party outsider Carl Paladino.

Advantage: Tea Party.

Even in smaller local races around the country, like the Massachusetts 3rd Middlesex Senate District, Tea Party candidate Sandy Martinez beat out the moderate Republican challenger.

Advantage: Tea PartyIt’s a trend that started months ago, with establishment candidates getting knocked out in six previous primaries. (Nevada, Kentucky, Florida, Alaska, Colorado and Utah)

Marc Landy/BC professor: The Tea Party is real. It’s hard to know what it is, but whatever it is, it’s about insurgency, and it’s about anger.   And those are marvelous mobilizing devices.  

Boston College professor Marc Landy sees both good and bad in all this for Republicans.

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