Obama Surrenders American Sovereignty to the U.N.

“Now the U.S. State Department is asking the (U.N.) council to review possible human rights violations that supposedly could occur under Arizona’s new law against illegal immigration.”

by Jeff Goodall

Surely this is impeachable.  President Obama is required to uphold the law, yet he refuses to do so, and asks an outside authority to intervene by giving them the opportunity to criticize Arizona’s efforts to protect itself from the consequences of his dereliction of duty.

Put another way, the Obama administration not only refuses to enforce federal legislation, it then files lawsuits challenging any State’s right to enforce the legislation, thus effectively annulling it.

America’s many enemies on the Commission will relish the opportunity to do as much political and demographic damage to the U.S. as they possibly can, by giving Obama an excuse to gut U.S. immigration enforcement not just in Arizona, but throughout the entire country.

Visible minorities in Canada have a habit of screaming “racism!” and running off to the Human Rights Commissions every chance they get; is this what Obama is doing here, running off to cry “racism!” and wield the “human rights” club against his own country at the international level?

I have a very bad feeling about what is happening to America, and what could happen in the future.

