Gov. Jan Brewer vs. Chuck Norris

A good piece by an American actor, but ‘the right paperwork’ is NOT the answer regarding ‘legal’ versus ‘illegal’ immigration. Additionally Bush is just as responsible for the immigration mess we’re in now.  ~FR

Sarah Palin said this past week that unlike Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, President Barack Obama lacks “the cojones” to deal with illegal immigration and America’s border problems.

I agree. In fact, hers was an understatement. Actually, the only cojones President Obama has shown throughout this whole American boundary debacle are those to oppose that fine governor, turn his back on the great people of Arizona, empower drug lords, and enable illegal immigration and contraband to continue to run through our borders like gnats through screens.

The opposition that Gov. Brewer has received from President Obama is completely unbecoming of any commander in chief who has sworn an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” And it is nothing short of a joke when the president’s own website boasts of his “unprecedented strategic and integrated approach to border protection and security efforts.”

