What We Need is More Diversity

If diversity is our strength, then homogeneity must be our weakness, right? —Frank Roman

by Val Koinen

Maybe you can help me out here. Maybe you can help me to see and understand the logic – the wisdom – of encouraging ever more racial diversity and multiculturalism in the once-White neighborhoods and towns of America. You know – the ever-increasing pressure to bring even more blacks and mestizos into all of our majority-White neighborhoods, workplaces, entertainment and advertising, and social settings. Even the extremely irresponsible and anti-White practice of bringing groups of Nigerians and Somalians here from Africa and helping them settle in our towns. And working toward amnesty (a “path to citizenship”) for the mestizo hordes of so-called “undocumented aliens” from Mexico and Central and South America that are already in our country illegally.Oh, maybe it’s just me. I guess I have to admit that I see this “diversity is our strength” and “beauty of multiculturalism” business as just a hugely hateful statement of the inadequacy and deficiency of us White people. A put-down, or slap in the face, implying that we Whites really don’t amount to much by ourselves. But the thing that really amazes and befuddles me – what I find to be absolutely mind-boggling – is how all these non-racially-aware White people – all the so-called anti-racists – can possibly think, and state in public with a straight face, that our society would be so much better off if it was just a little bit more Negrified, or mestizo-ized. Just a few percent more like them (more racially mixed with the darker, non-European peoples).

