The American Revolutionary Tradition

“Independence was won through a combination of progressive radicalization and patience and compromise with timorous potential allies.”

American White Nationalists, by definition, favor a white ethnostate on the North American continent.  Aside from a remnant that believes we can reclaim the entire United States in the short term through electoral means or some kind of coup, most white nationalists view the United States federal government as our primary foe.  Most are interested in secession and carving out a chunk of the United States for ourselves, usually amidst a presumed racial division of the entire country.  Bull sessions about “how it’s going to go down” are interesting and sometimes even productive, but there is one major element missing… any connection to America’s actual revolutionary tradition.

Many white nationalists, fed up with conservative or just general American stupidity, believe a dedicated vanguard will win the day.  William Pierce’s Turner Diaries is a classic statement of this scenario — aside from a certain identification with gun rights, there’s nothing really American about The Order.  It is simply a white vanguard that could spring up anywhere in the West.  This is not meant as criticism — it’s just how Pierce thought it should happen.Harold Covington’s Northwest Quartet creates a Northwest Volunteer Army that operates like a combination of the Irish Republican Army and the Mafia.  The NVA even has “rebel songs” and calls reporters to announce actions with the old IRA call sign “Captain O’Neil.”  Covington has also stated in his broadcasts that he doesn’t think America has a real revolutionary tradition the way Europeans do.  The Northwest Volunteer Army is also a vanguardist organization, with a fighting revolutionary party as the vehicle to achieve The White Republic.

In a larger sense, many of us reject America altogether as a bastard product of the Enlightenment, founded on abstract principles that led inevitably to the cesspool of egalitarianism that is drowning our people today.   Philosophically, the most significant American racial thinker of the postwar era is probably Francis Parker Yockey, who, as we all learned and fought about in an epic thread, did not identify with American history.  This ideological orientation impacts our tactics as well.  Many white nationalists look to European movements such as German National Socialism, or the Romanian Iron Guard, or even the Bolsheviks as models for how we should be organizing ourselves.  And of course, as an “alternative” movement, we naturally gravitate towards icons that are more romantic (to us anyway) than the staid figures whose portraits we saw in elementary school.
