Thomas Jefferson Was Right

<p style=”font-weight: bold; font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”><font size=”2″>&quot;Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that
these people [blacks are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the
two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature,
habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinction between them.&quot; –Thomas Jefferson: Autobiography, 1821. ME 1:72</font></p><br /><a height=”385″ href=”<object width=”><param value=”; name=”movie” /><param value=”true” name=”allowFullScreen” /><param value=”always” name=”allowscriptaccess” /><embed width=”480″ height=”385″ allowfullscreen=”true” allowscriptaccess=”always” type=”application/x-shockwave-flash” src=”; />&quot;&gt;.</a>
<font size=”2″ style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”>&quot;I concur entirely in [the leading principles of gradual
emancipation, of establishment on the coast of Africa, and the patronage
of our nation until the emigrants shall be able to protect
themselves… Personally, I am ready and desirous to make any sacrifice
which shall ensure their gradual but complete retirement from the State,
and effectually, at the same time, establish them elsewhere in freedom
and safety.&quot;</font>
<p style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”><font size=”2″>–Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Humphreys, 1817. ME 15:102</font></p>
<p style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”><font size=”2″>&quot;It will probably be asked, Why not retain and incorporate the blacks
into the State [instead of colonizing them? Deep rooted prejudices
entertained by the whites, ten thousand recollections by the blacks of
the injuries they have sustained, new provocations, the real
distinctions which nature has made, and many other circumstances will
divide us into parties and produce convulsions which will probably never
end but in the extermination of the one or the other race.&quot;</font></p>
<p style=”font-family: verdana,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;”><font size=”2″>–Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia Q.XIV, 1782. ME 2:192 </font></p>
