Racism, Schmacism: A Book by James Edwards of Political Cesspool Fame

“Are you sick and tired of liberals, race hustlers and the media calling you a racist just because you oppose Obama’s policies?” Well, my friend, those days are over… After you read Racism, Schmacism, you’ll never again fear being called “the R word” by liberals.

by James Edwards

If you’re like me, you’ve had it up to here watching the conservative movement spin its wheels, making lots of noise but never going anywhere.

You’re fed up with with attending Tea Parties and other protest rallies, hoping to make a powerful statement about big government, only to spend most of your time listening to a bunch of wimps insisting they aren’t racists.

It works every time because conservatives just don’t get it. We haven’t grasped what’s really behind all these constant charges of racism that the media, liberals and race hustlers are constantly hurling at us. If we really “got it,” we wouldn’t spend another precious minute of our time worrying about being called “racists,” let alone bothering to respond to it.

