Caller to Rush Limbaugh Mourns White Guilt and Illegal Immigration

Caller and host get close to the truth — that European-Americans specifically  are facing dire challenges to our institutions, our way of life, and even our genetic continuity — but they simply could not bring themselves to go any further than what they said here. –Ed.

CALLER (Jennifer):  I am from Fontana, California.

RUSH:  Fontana?


CALLER:  I worked for a meat packing company, and I would call on the Social Security numbers for all the workers to see if the names matched the numbers.  People, the same people — especially Maria Lopez-Lopez, man. I remember her name.  She came in with several different numbers, finally one hit, and we hired her. I asked them, I told the Social Security office, “Why is this happening, this same woman coming in?”  They said, “Well, we can’t tell you any other information except that the name matches the number.”  So she got hired.  Then now comes to, I’m 32, and I want to tell you about white guilt broad prevention at the company level and saving our local police time and money all in one swipe of a card, an ID card.  I went to Walgreens to return an item.  There was a gentleman behind me who was Hispanic he was speaking Spanish to his daughter.  The first thing that the manager asked me for was my receipt.
Second thing she asked me for was my ID.  I asked her why she needed my ID?  She said, “Well, it prevents fraud in the company, and it saves the cops time coming down if someone is doing it repeatedly.”  I said, “What if I don’t have my ID?”  She said, “Then I’ll look at you and determine if I should give money back for this item.”  I thought that was funny, so I said, “You’re going to physically profile me if I don’t have an ID?  Huh, it made sense.”

So I returned my item and the gentleman behind me, I thought he was listening so I sort of brought him to the conversation.  Well, I left.  The first thing the gentleman asked in broken English was, “Do I have to show my ID?”  The look on the woman’s face — she was white and just got wider — and she said, “No.”  I am really tired of this. I’m basically able to be physically profiled.  This man, for some reason, she just totally X’ed out anything because of the guilt. I could see it on her face, and I am just really tired of —

RUSH:  Yeah.  You know…

CALLER:  — there’s no accountability for these people.

RUSH:  Excellent point.

CALLER:  There’s no way to account for them.  Our cities are losing money.  We can’t account for them.  It’s as simple as that.  They’re not accountable, and this is wrong.  I’m really upset about it.  I’ve been listening to you since I was 14; I’m 32.  This has been going on all my life.  I live in Southern California, and it’s really sad.  It’s sad to see my beautiful California go down the dumps.  We’re out of money. A gentleman just came to my door the other day and asked me if I needed tutoring for my child.  He looked at my child he looked at me and he said, “Never mind.”  I said, “Whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do you say never mind?”  And he said, “Well, I don’t think you go to this school and so you wouldn’t qualify.”

RUSH:  You know, one of the things that really dovetails or ties directly to what you’re saying: In Arizona when stopped for a traffic question right now illegals do not have to produce their IDs.  Everybody else does.  That’s why the new law! Illegals do not have to produce IDs right now in Arizona.  That’s why they have done the new law, just like at this department store where was it, Walgreens you said was a drug store?

CALLER: Mmm-hmm.

RUSH:  You’re right. In that case I’m sure it was white guilt.

CALLER:  I want to know. There are no such thing as “papers.” It’s called a Matricula Card or it’s called a California ID Card.  You carry it in your wallet. There’s no “papers.” You don’t carry a pack of papers with you, that’s a ridiculous statement.  I’m so glad that I’m talking on a nationally syndicated program and to you, Rush, because people need to know that this happens from the bottom, from a manager at Walgreens, to the top of Congress.  There is a guilt. There is a something going on in this country that we need to stop.  Because everyone should be equal.  Everybody.  Everybody. Everyone.

RUSH:  I’ll tell you what’s going on, Jennifer.  What’s going on is grievance politics, and a bunch of time have held grievances for years and years and years are now led by somebody who believes it’s time to get even and so they are exploiting white guilt and they are saying that white power and white majority led to all this discrimination, unfairness, and it’s time to make it right. 

CALLER: (groans)

RUSH: That’s what’s happening here, and a lot of people have a direct fear of being thought of or called a racist. 

CALLER: (scoffs)

RUSH: And so they will do anything, even your clerk at Walgreens, to avoid any kind of conflict or controversy in that area.  They don’t want it. 

CALLER:  But it’s not about race.  It’s about accountability.

RUSH:  No.  It is about race in the way that we are being divided.  I know your point about accountability is, “Where is these people’s accountability? We’re not holding anybody accountable for their corruption, for their dishonesty.”  That’s absolutely right.  But the way they’re getting away with it and the way they’re being motivated to be corrupt is the playing of the race card.


RUSH:  If we didn’t do that there wouldn’t be any (white) guilt.

