Blaming Whitey

Why would anyone take responsibility for their own bad situation when it’s so easy to blame whitey?

In the early ’90s, my most P.C. friend boasted about attending an anti-racism workshop. Although the event was called “Healing Racism,” I silently dubbed it “Blaming Whitey.”

As she described it, whites and blacks faced each other on opposite sides of the room. Whites guiltily told tales of being racially insensitive, and blacks berated them. Then blacks recounted stories of racism while whites bowed their heads in shame and apologized.

My friend pronounced the day as healing. I thought it sounded sadomasochistic.I chalked it up to “only in Berkeley.” But over the years I’ve heard of more and more such happenings.

In states both blue and red, incoming college freshmen must attend social justice seminars during orientation. As though 18-year-olds don’t feel crappy enough about body fat and pimples, now they have to recoil at the color of their skin.

The targeted audiences for these blaming and shaming sessions are getting younger, which is predictable. Every cult from the Moonies to the Left recruits from the malleable young.

Even kindergartners are being groomed to be the littlest of community organizers. One of my twenty-something clients cried herself to sleep in second grade after her teacher graphically detailed the conditions of slave ships. While this lovely young person never harmed a flea, somehow she became responsible for genocide.
