Is Science Racist? Liberals Want to Drop Science Classes

The lunatics are running the show.

by Jeff Davis

One thing about science and math courses is that there’s no room forfakers. Either you know the material or you don’t. While liberalhistory or english professors can ignore massive spelling andgrammatical errors and give generous grades to the quota-students forscribbling out some attempt at writing an essay. Math and science arenot so forgiving. You either get the question right or you don’t. Iguess that makes science “racist” since it frequently gives minoritiespoor grades.

An article from the East Bay Express tells us: “Berkeley High School isconsidering a controversial proposal to eliminate science labs and thefive science teachers who teach them to free up more resources to helpstruggling students. The proposal to put the science-lab cuts on thetable was approved recently by Berkeley High’s School GovernanceCouncil, a body of teachers, parents, and students who oversee a planto change the structure of the high school to address Berkeley’s dismalracial achievement gap, where white students are doing far better thanthe state average while black and Latino students are doing worse.”

During poor economic times, public schools have been known to cut music, art and some sports classes. But cut science classes?

The liberal loons aren’t very good at thinking ahead. Well, franklythey never are. But if no one teaches the White kids science becauseit’s “racist”, how will our technical, medical, and engineeringinfrastructure be maintained 20 or 30 years from now? Are we supposedto import Hindu and Paki macacas to do all the technical jobs (ignoringa serious drop in competency that may result in airplanes crashing andthe occasional nuclear reactor meltdown)? Or maybe these hippieretreads want us all to go back to the Stone Age? That actually seemsto be a vague part of the liberal Agenda: Forcing Americans back ontobicycles and limiting everyone to 200 milli-watts of solar power. Ireally wonder how some of these left-wing fools would survive if theyever create the kind of world they seem intent on creating.

The article continues “Science teachers were understandably horrifiedby the proposal. ‘The majority of the science department believes thatthis major policy decision affecting the entire student body, thefaculty, and the community has been made without any notification,without a hearing,’ said Mardi Sicular-Mertens, the senior member ofBerkeley High School’s science department, at last week’s school boardmeeting…. The full plan to close the racial achievement gap by alteringthe structure of the high school is known as the High School Redesign.It will come before the Berkeley School Board as an information item atits January 13 meeting. Generally, such agenda items are passed withoutdebate, but if the school board chooses to play a more direct role inthe High School Redesign, it could bring the item back as an actionitem at a future meeting. School district spokesman Mark Coplandirected inquiries about the redesign to Richard Ng, the principal’sassistant at Berkeley High and member of the School Governance Council.Ng did not return repeated calls for comment.”

Well, that’s it. The lunatics are definitely running the asylum.

There’s an old saying that integration is like mixing horse manure andice cream. The manure tends to dominate and the ice cream is prettymuch ruined in the process. I remember in my old high school, thescience lab was one of the few places where White kids could go on freeperiods and during lunch and not have to worry about being robbed orassaulted by the blacks. I more or less taught myself everything Iwanted to know in the chem lab and the library. The integrated classeswere simply a waste of time constantly interrupted by blacks talking,talking and talking in the back of the classroom.

Sooner or later, someone in politics has got to start speaking thetruth. We can’t keep running around with our eyes closed to the facts.We’ve had two major car companies go bankrupt and no one will discusshow big a role quota-hires played in those disasters. (Car companies inJapan don’t undermine themselves by hiring and promoting largepercentages of Latinos and Blacks by the way.) Meanwhile other bigcorporations are making the exact same mistakes as GM and Chrysler. Andnow our schools don’t even want to try teaching science because it’stoo hard for the minorities to understand.

