Germany: 20 Percent of Public Jobs May Go To Immigrants

Bolshevik revenge?

Every fifth public service position in Germany should go to people with immigrant backgrounds, the country’s integration commissioner told daily Rheinische Post on Thursday.

“We need more people from immigrant families in public service,” commissioner Maria Böhmer told the paper.

According to her, every fifth resident in Germany has an immigrationbackground, and this proportion should be “appropriately” reflected inthe public service sector.

“In particular we urgently need more teachers and educators with immigration background,” Böhmer, a member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s conservative Christian Democrats, told the paper.

These people would be particularly valuable as liaisons and role models for young people whose families hail from abroad.

Police, fire department and municipal administrative jobs should alsobe filled by immigrants, she said, adding that the government plannedto introduce a programme.

