The White Man’s Revenge

 Blowback. Big time.

Almost two years ago I was sacked from the Sunday Times for writing anarticle the editor decided was “racist” five days after it had beenprinted. The obvious question was….how did the article get into thepaper if the editor thought it was racist? There was no convincinganswer at the time but no doubt we shall all learn more when the casefor wrongful dismissal finally comes to court on February 8th.

It willalso be interesting to learn why the affirmatively appointed editorkept his job but the white columnist lost his. Not a great advert for anon racial society. Maybe AVUSA were only sacking middle aged white menthat month. The point is that I may have written the article but theSunday Times chose to publish it so surely it’s the editor who shouldhave been sacked for sleeping on the job?
I mention this because, two years on, we are even deeper in the racisthot and smelly than we were back then. Personally I don’t think thatwhat I wrote in the final column for the Sunday Times was at allracist. Certainly no more racist than what I had written in previousweeks. It did what the column sought to do every week,,,it scratchedthe scab off some of society’s wounds and invited readers to take agood look.

In this case it whimsically wondered what South Africa wouldhave been like if it had never been colonized and came to theconclusion that it would have been terrible because there would havebeen no-one the indigenous population could blame for their ownshortcomings. The final paragraph has the Chinese arriving in big metalflying birds and the locals letting out a collective sigh of relief. Atlast they have someone to blame.

