Fall of the Republic: Adjust, Adapt, and Overcome

In other words bravery is infectious.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

Several days ago I watched an online video called Fall of the Republic. In this two hour documentary we are given a healthy dose of what appears to be rock solid evidence depicting the cause of our nation’s current slide into a monetary and cultural abyss. Without mercy, Fall of the Republic eviscerates Republicans, Democrats, corporations, the media, education, and financial institutions which are clearly responsible for the political social and moral meltdown of the West, in particular the United States. The film paints a lurid picture of corrupt interconnected universal/corporate networks and how they have morphed into The New World Order. The film explains how a generation’s long criminal enterprise managed by globalists (urban-coastal types) are operating under the guise of humankind’s “greater good;” all the while undermining our nation’s people, sovereignty and resources for the sake of unimaginable wealth and power.

Of course, the centerpiece of this film is the presidency of Barack Obama and his unfailing complicity toward this end.

Clearly, almost all of the analysts’ depicted in this film acknowledge that Barack Hussein Obama, who was actually selected to be president by the aforementioned global criminals (Blacks of course voted primarily for Obama’s race, not his policies.), is the concluding figure in the globalists march toward politically correct world dominion, i.e. all nation states must knuckle under to their omnipotent control.
By tracing historical and factual developments that bear the same globalist fingerprints; and alluding to the notion that he, Obama, lied like no one else has ever lied during a presidential campaign and pointing out who has him in their pocket, we are given a disturbing view of things to come. Even worse, we are given a disturbing view of our own facilitation toward this end, what we have allowed to happen.

We allowed a private group of banks, the Federal Reserve, to supersede congresses authority to mint money.

We allowed the federal government to go into a borrowers’ partnership with the Federal Reserve thereby creating artificial debt bubbles that can never be paid back to them.
We allowed our elected representatives to represent moneyed corporate and special interest lobbies rather than ourselves.

We have allowed Washington to incrementally restrict our full potential with unbearable taxes and endless inflation.

We allowed the dismantling of our manufacturing base and the export of tens of millions of good paying jobs and the facilitation of one-way trade agreements. We even allowed ourselves into believing there is such a thing as jobless growth.

We allowed ourselves to be sucked into meaningless fratricidal wars for the benefit of a handful of oligarchs.

We have allowed the media of news and entertainment, our churches and schools to marinate our brains with tolerance, laziness and moral equivalency.

When Fall of the Republic ended I began to think about what I had just seen. Given the context of the film and the experienced personalities who were interviewed there wasn’t much I could personally disagree with, although I know a few people who probably could. Yes, the organizations cited really are intercontinental and have no accountability or allegiance to America but only care about power and profits—in that order. They have crippled our nation’s character abroad with their self-indulgence and abuse while at the same time forcing their will on our elected leaders for their own benefit.

Nevertheless I later realized something in the film was missing, in fact an entire block of information was left off the “hell in a hand basket” analysis. You see, while the producers of this film are right by inclusion they are also wrong by exclusion. When they said the American people are disengaged from their own destiny due to a corrupt culture industry they are right. When they said the American people are enslaved by political correctness and manipulated by the media they are correct. Moreover, the film was right when it said America in its earlier era was an industrial, secure, innovative dynamo that was the envy of the world. But they forgot to say exactly why.  In fact as good as the film is it nevertheless neglected to explain several core issues; why at one time America was a global marvel but has since fallen.

Bottom line: they didn’t say or even imply that America is descended from the people of Europe; people who brought with them to this continent the best hereditary, philosophical, and technological resources with which to build a nation. Rather than talk about Americans in a general sense, they should have mentioned America’s true historically correct racially identity.  In other words Fall of the Republic neglected to say America was founded as a powerful majority Euro nation and it has a right to remain so in order to remain successful. The makers of the film could not bring themselves to articulate this racial fact is exactly the reason why America is (was) the envy of the world, which is why mankind’s globalist enemies covet her. Fall of the Republic could not bring itself to say America was not founded to absorb the rest of the world like the globalists want for cheap labor and cultural proclivities that normally favor tyranny without much persuasion.

So while the film clearly did articulate immigration issues it said little about unrestricted Third World immigration presenting politically motivated demographic problems. More specifically it said nothing in the framework of destroying the Founding Fathers’ vision of a white America, a scenario that is forecast to accelerate in 2043 when white Americans are officially designated a minority. Presently so-called climate change legislation, the alleged swine flu epidemic and the financial bailout of corrupt money houses is the thin end of the wedge being used to leverage maximum pressure against us.

While Fall of the Republic was spot on regarding the government’s obstruction of the Bill of Rights as a deep-seated threat to the freedom of its people they forgot to mention exactly how the government began to incrementally abrogate those rights. To that end the film said nothing as to how in the 1940’s a group of Marxist intellectuals who had been subverting Germany fled and landed in New York to set up shop in order to begin their long march here through the institutions and obstructing the Bill of Rights and our Constitution. As a result  institutes like the government, the media, banking, education, psychology, religion–all that had previously belonged to white Americans — are now considered ugly, alien, and threatening by a large share of the population. Fall of the Republic didn’t address the historical record which reveals it was the Frankfurt School Marxists who gave us Third World immigration, destroyed the nuclear family, encouraged sloth, encouraged miscegenation, incited campus chaos in the 60’s, marginalized the middle class, and mangled the ideals and traditions that made America what it used to be prior to World War II and just afterwards. In other words they attacked us from within. And now today under the accelerated sedition of Barack Obama — he who cannot be criticized because he’s black – the film accurately presents the United States as having become deeply sick racially culturally and politically. Not unlike most other living entities on earth an organic nation can’t by definition remain in a state of profound rot for very long…echoes of the Roman Empire.

I agree with Fall of the Republic that globalists do want to destroy and then amalgamate the political system and monetary processes of every nation state on earth. Not only do they want to cripple cultural systems around the world established in fact by a true diversity of people, but they also want to get rid of global diversity altogether by erasing borders for the free movement of their goods services and people. But — our immediate domestic concern is the globalists’ abrogation of total control in the United States with Barack Obama hovering scare crow-like over a well conditioned herd of docile American consumers and tax payers. And again, the United States will always be low hanging fruit to these vampires because of the legacy of the European derived people who settled it. However as we and so many others have pointed out for decades over and over again: up to the present the Frankfurt School Marxists and their global oligarchs have all but ruined everything with their systemic brainwashing, political correctness – and especially ruined it by replacing our representative republic with something more easily corrupted — democracy. Indeed, the title of the film implies that something else had to rise as the republic fell; and in this case it is democracy: i.e. it is mob rules; it is pliable, it is deceptive with its fuzzy religion of racial equality moral equivalence and historical disconnect. A nation comprised of one people, one language and one culture could have resisted globalism (and we almost did — Ed.). Unfortunately our elders heeded the sirens song, fell asleep at the switch, and the majority of us followed suit.


Therefore, the film should have stressed that while no race of people has a monopoly on virtue or vice — or domination on worth and value — contrary to popular lies that doesn’t mean they are interchangeable. Fall of the Republic’s producers should have said when you boil away all the techno-speak the bottom line is: that’s exactly what America’s enemies’ have been crafting for decades, the dispossession and disintegration of  European Americans and the continued stifling of any sense of organized identity. As a result, lacking any coherent national directive real change IS coming; and it very well could be spontaneous raw and ugly. In fact it may even become violent.

So how do we solve this dilemma? Well, the first thing that has to be done is we have to clean up our language and our presentation, we have to get rid of the icon fetishes, and we have to marginalize the madmen who proclaim they speak for white Americans. The second thing that needs to occur is cleansing the minds of muted but attentive European Americans who have judged all hope is lost, because it’s not. The third thing that needs to be done is to show them that ethnic political advocacy conducted with sanity and vigor is not only possible, it is urgently needed; that we must take the national stage in order to recapture the power centers of society and counter the cycle of emotional logic that keeps most of our people vulnerable. In other words the power centers in America need to experience one shock wave after another until the rotten system as we know it is undeniably revealed and scrapped for what it is. Knowing about things is not enough. A strong spine and an appropriate reaction are key.

To this end earlier this year while tossing around a few ideas with my fellow board members we discussed the possibility of creating a PAC or lobbying group — independent of government and corporate largesse — in order to fight on behalf of European Americans and the rightful destiny of our due nation. A lobby or PAC operates by influencing decisions made by the government (in groups or individually). It includes all attempts to persuade legislators and officials, whether by other legislators, constituents, or organized groups. In my opinion this is the only sensible way of accomplishing such a vital task. While we can look to the dogged determination and eventual success of the British National Party it is far too late here to form a third party, such as the woefully ineffective Libertarian Party. While a new third party would have to operate within the confines of bureaucratic top heavy regulations, a PAC would have much more operational leeway, as I generally understand it.

For example, by proposing to outlaw affirmative action, by recommending genuine welfare reform, by detailing the reformation of legal immigration on behalf of Europe, by explaining why we need to stay out of other country’s affairs except for peaceful trading, etc, we will encourage widespread cooperation by contrasting what we do as opposed to what the Republicrats have been doing. We should not be afraid of being called bigots and racists when it comes to defending our own ethnicity and national autonomy. In the meantime, our children need to be home schooled with an eye toward ethnic identity, more white babies must be brought into the world, households should become wealth generators, extended families ought to become close again, and preparations for worst case scenarios is mandatory. Indeed, these small steps and the ideas outlined above will go a long way in keeping the globalists and the Frankfurt School Marxists up at night.

Adjust, adapt, and overcome. THAT is what needs to happen.

In conclusion, I generally liked Fall of the Republic and the information it contained and I would suggest you take a look at it. Nevertheless, it should have developed the racial and cultural origins of the United States rather than tip toe around the subject, it should have stressed the real cause behind the suspiciously accelerated decline we have been experiencing, and it ought to have suggested a direction of forceful real change akin to what we’ve discussed today.

Watch the film, analyze it; evaluate what you see and hear and then consider what needs to be done, soon. And remember always, bravery is infectious.

Thanks for listening
