Minarets in Switzerland and McDonalds in Mecca

What we can do is limit immigrationand stop meddling in the middle east and the rest of the world.

by Robert Stark

Swiss Voters recently voted to ban the Construction of Minaretswhich greatly affect the skylines of many European Cities due to themassive growth of Muslim populations. The ban does not stop theconstruction of new Mosques but bans the Minaret towers. We are used toAmerica values of freedom of religion were it would be a questionableinfringement on the 1st Amendment right to freedom of religion but keepin mind that many European nations do not even have the same rights tofreedom of speech that we have. Both Jewish and Muslim groups areoutraged by Switzerland’s decision. However many Muslims nations do notallow for the construction of Church’s or Synagogues, and Israel alsohas restrictions on freedom of religion such as laws againstproselytizing and intermarriage.

The issue about Minarets in Switzerland has become an issue ofIslamophobia rather than opposition to  foreign influence andGlobalism. Many Muslims living there may feel their religious rightsare being infringed upon, however due to the large scale of immigrationEuropeans feel threatened that they are losing their culture andnations.
While I support European Nationalism and a halt to immigration it isshame that the movement have focused on making Muslims into theenemy rather than supporting nationalism for all people and opposingGlobalization. (Muslims don’t want any partnership outside of Islam whatsoever, and that’s a good thing. Get a grip Mr. Stark. — Ed)

What they fail to realize is that the Muslim world has a lot of thesame concerns about loosing their cultures to Globalization thatEuropeans have. The 9/11 Hijacker Muhammad Atta was outraged abouthow American style Urban Sprawl has destroyed the aesthetic characterof the ancient city Aleppo in Syria, and was opposed to modernskyscrapers being built in his home city of Cairo. Atta who was a cityplanner who dreamed of raising the Western Architecture in Aleppo andrebuilding it as an authentic Arab City. To Atta the World Trade Centerwas a symbol of globalization and the same type of ModernAmerican Architecture he despised. His concerns were similar to theconcerns of Europeans who see their historic cities cluttered withIslamic Minarets. Unlike Atta, Europeans usually do not becometerrorist.

Even Mecca, the Holy City of Islam has been crowded with American stylefast food joints causing strife among many Muslims there. In hislecture “Islam and the New World Order”, Shiekh Abdullah Hakim Quicktalks about his experience in Mecca and seing the affect of consumerculture there saying, ” we came out of the Kabba and we looked up andwe see the Golden Arches…..in Mecca….Pizza Hut, Baskin Robbins,Burger King..and there was a young boy, probably from a Meccan familyand he was in McDonald’s with his big pants and his hat on and he hadan attitude.” Quik believes there is a conspiracy to establish asecular New World Order but he advocates an Islamic New World Order asan alternative.

America is often associated with Globalization in the rest of theWorld, since we are the home to most of these international banks,corporations, and media conglomerates. However these institutions aretruly international and have no responsibility or loyalty to Americabut only care about profits. They are tarnishing our nation’sreputation abroad with their greed and exploitation while at the sametime they are lobbying our Government to lax our immigration laws andsend our jobs overseas.

These policies of immigration and interventionism are part of the sameagenda of the globalist elites. They want to control the mideast’s oiland make the region safe for Israel. They use immigration to change thedemographips of western nations to prevent nationalist movements torise and challenge their power. Muslim immigration serves their purpousby causing westerners to hate Muslims and therefore be sympathetic totheir agenda in the middle east.

While Israel has a right to it’s sovereignty and is small nation in ahostile region, Zionist in America and Europe try to stir up hatredagainst Muslims in order to start wars on Israel’s behalf. Many Zionistpoliticians and organizations are as vehemently opposed to EuropeanNationalism as Muslims are and even supported Muslim separatist inKosovo by bombing Christian Serbia. Ironically it was the IslamicRepublic of Iran that gave refuge to Jürgen Graf, a Swiss revisionisthistorian who was facing imprisonment by the Politically CorrectThought Police of the same Government that is banning Minarets.

Even though they have historically been anti-Jewish, many EuropeanNationalist now support Israel against what they see as a common enemyin radical Islam. While Israel has its flaws, I do not blame the nationitself for Globalization but the influential politicians, moneymen andorganizations in America and Europe that both unconditionally supportIsrael though foreign aid and wars, are also the biggest promoters ofGlobalization and immigration.

Anti-Islam activist have made a huge fuss over Sharia finance, but inreality it is far superior to our corrupt Banking system based on debtand fiat money. Sharia prohibits the payment or acceptance of interestfees for the lending and accepting of money. As was Iraq before thetoppling of Saddam, Iran is now one of the few nations that does notallow international banks to operate. Both nations contain the world’slargest oil reserve and the international bankers can’t wait to gettheir hand on it.

The west and Muslim world have become enemies because of Globalization.Muslims are rightfully angry at America and West for it’s foreignpolicy and corrupt consumer culture, but so are Europeans aboutthe large scale Muslim immigration into Europe. Because to the largenumbers of Muslims in Europe and the wars in the middle east, I feelthat the damage has been done, but what we can do is limit immigrationand stop meddling in the middle east and the rest of the world.

The Elites say we have to tolerate diversity at all cost. We shouldrespect other nations sovereignty and right to preserve their way oflife, but at the same time we should not be afraid of being calledxenophobes and racist when it comes to defending our own culture andnational sovereignty. Whether you agree’s with Switzerland’s decisionor not, it is there right as a sovereign nation to decide.
