Racial Terror in Denver That Won’t Make National News

Oh, and you know if the races were reversed that p.c. panderer AG Eric Holder would be flying to Denver right now (with race demagogue Al Sharpton in tow) to hold a press conference and vow to ensure the safety of the Mile High City’s residents.

Chilling details are emerging in the local Colorado press about violent black gangs who have been targeting white victims for months:

“The Denver Police Department announced today that theyhave made 32 arrests during a sweep to end a four-month spree of whatpolice said were racially motivated assaults and robberies in downtownDenver, including the LoDo entertainment district.

A task force comprised of the Denver Police, FBI and the DenverDistrict Attorney’s Office investigated 26 incidents in which groups ofblack males verbally harassed and then assaulted white or Hispanicmales, according to Denver Police Chief Gerry Whitman.

Many of the victims were robbed after being assaulted.”

Although police knew what was going on, citizens were left in the dark.

More dangerously blind diversity-mongeringat work? Fear of litigation or accusations of profiling by the usual mau-mauers?

You decide:

