A Hopeful Sign

Innate separation and natural inequality on an implicit level

Many non-white advocacy groups will tell you that in spite of decades of social political and legal conditioning aimed largely at European Americans; schools in the United States are more segregated  today than they have been in more than four decades. Millions of non-white students attending these loafer industrial unit schools for reasons other than education, where huge percentages do not graduate, come away poorly organized for college or a future in the US economy.

Must be whitey’s fault.

According to a new Civil Rights report published at the University of California, Los Angeles, schools in the US are 44 percent non-white including mestizos, and minorities are rapidly emerging as the majority of public school students in the US. Of course, this rapid emergence of non-white students has a lot to do with birth rates and immigration levels never before seen in the US resulting in nearly all non-white schools to be segregated by poverty but mostly by race. The majority of the nation’s dropouts take place in non-white public schools, leading to large numbers of practically unemployable non-white students. “White flight,” which is a reaction of parents who want to remove their children from dangerous and costly schools that reflect the genetic markers of the Third World has much to do with this phenomenon, as it should.While some might argue schools with high levels of non-white students have pathetic staffs, less high-achieving peers, health problems, housing insecurity, single-parent households, contact with crime and gangs, the fact remains in 2009 that white schools do not suffer similar maladies because they are white schools; similar to the schools of the 1950’s and 60’s. Moreover schools in non-white communities will always remain vastly uneven in terms of financial support, competent teachers, and study programs. Why? Who would want to invest in something destined for failure in spite of busing, enforced equality, desegregation and No Child Left Behind? That’s why low-income campuses are more likely to be driven past by school and job recruiters. Football and basketball recruiters is another story.

Thankfully, rural white schools in America are experiencing burgeoning levels of homogeneity. This in spite of the fact that in the days of civil rights marches and endless propaganda, with small towns and rural areas seen as the source of the most extreme “racism” i.e. implicit whiteness — they are growing. Out of 8.3 million rural white students, 73 percent now attend schools that are 80 to100 percent white, a fact which infuriates the enemies of European Americans.

And then there are middle-class white parents who are removing children from schools with increasing populations of non-whites because they don’t want them to stand out, period. Which is to say parents, who will tell you to your face they want their kids to be educated in a “diverse” environment are sending their children to schools populated by students from their own ethnic background.

Therefore if parents maintain a continuance along the path of innate separation and acknowledge natural inequality on an implicit level, it will only increase white America’s universal potential for survival in the proceeding demographic shift. White America has done more than enough funding of welfare and social programs in order to atone for the “sins of their fathers,” whatever that’s supposed to mean.
