Moron Mail

In spite of Western Voices World News escalating monthly readership we rarely if ever receive any hate mail.

This tells us 1] people implicitly agree with our presentations, and 2] the haters are too cowardly to contact us. Unofficially referred to as ‘moron mail,’ we tend to blow it off when some lost soul scribbles something and sends it our way. But every so often it’s a good idea to present the ideal ‘anti-racist’ hallucination disguised as tolerance — complete with crippled grammar– along with the sender’s email and IP address, and respond to it. Yes, we know its a waste of time. Enjoy.
From IP Address –
Name – k.meridian
Email –

In some cases LOL translates into Laziness Over Logic.

Do you really believe that “non-white” CITIZENS who were born here, whose PARENTS and GRANDPARENTS and so on and so forth were also born here.Do you think they are going to say “Yeah, it’s been a good few GENERATIONS,but the EAU quoting the slavemaster Jefferson on “race”says we must leave.

Suggestingthat European Americans should advocate politically and rejuvenatebiologically on behalf of their own group interests (including theright to exist slur free) inasmuch as federal /corporate fundednon-white factions have openly accomplished has absolutely nothing todo with anyone “leaving” the continental United States. Except forillegals, of course. Since Mr. Jefferson obviously had it all wrong andwas a “slave master” perhaps you should lobby (really really hard) forhis writings to be banned and his words removed from a number ofpublicly funded monuments.

I’m not a racist or a bigot, but some Whites are INCREDIBLE.

Most people can’t accurately define racist or bigot and you, we are sure, are no exception. Cowardice however usually follows such ignorance.  Our guess is you would never have written such an “eloquent” screed as this one to LaRaza or the Anti Defamation League, two of the most viciously bigoted organizations despoiling the landscape today. While no ethnic group can corner the market on ethics and morality, some European Americans obviously are incredible. Why else is the Third World killing itself to reach here and other European nations? At any rate we like the Japanese model:

“In a speech during a ceremony at the new Kyushu National Museum in Dazaifu, Fukuoka Prefecture, on Saturday, the sources said Aso described Japan as having “one nation, one civilization, one language, one culture and one race. There is no other nation (that has such characteristics).”

Some of you are like children.

Check your grammar.

A child and his friend playing a game. Jimmy: You’ve beat me for the last 99 times we’ve played. But now it looks like I may win at least ONE! Johnny: Awwwww! No fair!! I QUIT!

No comment.

For CENTURIES Whites have ruled America and reaped the benefits. For CENTURIES non-whites have been ridiculed, exploited, beaten,killed, etc. AT WILL.
In case you’ve conveniently forgotten, America was founded, not “ruled,” by the people of Europe. Moreover the definition of the term “ruled” has different connotations for some people:

“We blacks were changed, for the better, I might add, on account of slavery. We are a better race today because our ancestors went though slavery. The millions of lives lost were not lost in vain. The Europeans proclaimed the need for us to be civilised through slavery and though this may be hard to understand, they were right. Indeed, based on what is happening in black Africa today—slavery for us in the West was, in many respects, our salvation. Michael Dingwall, Jamaica Observer (Kingston), August 9, 2008

But now that the birth rate for Whites is headed in the same direction as the dodo, all is wrong with the world. Wow. Reading O’Reilly on “White Privilege”. Reading Savage (a Jew at that!) on how “lenient” Whites have been to non-whites, and how he doesn’t think that non-whites would return the favor.

Like it or not Bill O’Reilly and Michael Savage share your racial views, which is part and parcel to neoconservativsm. Don’t let their rhetoric fool you, which may be too late. Have you considered vacationing in South Africa or Zimbabwe? Post racial paradises complete with returned favors, I can assure you.

Listening to Rush blame Obama, because some White kid got beat up.

Parody, what a concept.

Would it be Bush’s fault if some Black or Hispanic kid got beat up? Or would it be yet another “tiresome” round of minorities “blaming the White man”.

Actually blacks and Hispanics are killing each other in racist attacks all over the country. Is there something you can do to stop this madness? Bush obviously doesn’t care and neither does president Obama.

You are UNrealistic in your goals. And thank God you’ll fail,because behind the “academic” veneer beats the heart of a racist.

These “academics” most definitely ought to hear from you:
“We call things racism just to get attention. We reduce complicated problems to racism, not because it is racism, but because it works.”— Alfredo Gutierrez, political consultant, as quoted by Richard de Uriarte, The Phoenix Gazette, March 14, 1992 (quoted in The Pro English Advocate, 1st quarter, 2002).

May we also draw your short attention span to a rather frightening phenomenon at Harvard University: “the effort by a professor, Noel Ignatiev, and his journal, Race Traitor, to promote the ‘cultural and psychological genocide of whites.” 

I guess academia is the new hood and robe.

For about 20 years, left-wing academicians met at the Socialists Scholars Conference in New York City. The 2002 conference brought in New York City Councilman and former Black Panther Charles Barron; Michael Cohen, editor of the Green Party USA newspaper; Mumia Abu Jamal attorney Leonard Weinglass; and pro-Palestinian activist Edward Said.

Michael Moore, Al Sharpton, Noam Chomsky, Cornel West and New York Congressmen Jerrold Nadler and Major Owens have all attended past conferences.

Yet, this is America and all ideas are welcome – although one must wonder what would happen if a congressman, famous filmmaker, or distinguished college professor attended, say, a Fascist or Nazi Scholars Conference.

Academia at its finest, here

Jared Taylor, Steve Sailer, Peter Brimelow and the rest of the VDARE gang, thank GOD you will fail.

We try not brag about the company we keep, but you almost forgot Pat Buchanan and James Edwards.
