The Tiger’s Tail

Whenthe tiger’s tail is finally released and he turns to exact hisretribution we will look back and mark the day of our rebirth.

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

I’ve been getting a real kick lately out of the reaction from leftist reporters and their political underlings over Rep. Joe Wilson’s shout-out to president Obama that he was lying during a recent televised speech on healthcare; that illegal Mexicans would not be eligible for federal subsidies to purchase health insurance under his overhaul plan. While it’s true that Mr. Obama was lying and has since backtracked on his proposal to give additional free health care to the Third World, the politically correct zealots have been going crazy over Rep. Wilson’s outburst. On national television the white South Carolina republican told a liberal black president to his face that he was lying (“You lie!”), and the wing nuts have been losing sleep ever since.

Black and white progressives, neo Marxists, republic hating ideologues, and a glut of garden variety Frankfurt School rejects have been screaming 24-7 for Joe Wilson’s head to be delivered to the White House. This wide-ranging feedback tells me that the so-called anti racist/anti white agitators in Washington DC, the media and in academia are scared to death that the recent election of Barack Obama is already on its way to becoming as meaningless as the lame duck stage of George Bush’s presidency. These vicious bigots have been pushing and propagandizing for decades to not only elect a black president, but a hyper leftist one at that — and they finally got their wish. But now because of Barack Obama’s incompetence to lead his minions to a race less Big Brother Utopia, and the house of cards image of him that is now collapsing they feel threatened that their equality nonsense, which is just one of many tools used to stifle pro European American ideology, is about to blow up in their faces and come to screeching halt. By way of the internet and talk radio they are afraid that too many white people have already begun to see through their facade; a facade which has always been a pretense of equality but in truth is the political social and demographic marginalization of European Americans—not to mention their loss of nationhood as envisioned by our European founding fathers.  They are afraid that our people, who are nothing more than proles to them, will make even more comprehensible ties between bigger government, less freedom and their own resultant loss of even the slightest implicit racial identity. Moreover, the diverse white American peoples are almost never presented as Americans when other demographics are always presented as Americans.

You know what else this Joe Wilson/Barack Obama conflict tells me? It tells me that in the eyes of our people’s enemies Joe Wilson is now the face of a white stirring; an unexpected symptom that belies our enemy’s weakness. Wilson the southern white guy actually dared to pronounce a generalized response –outside the box– to the very face of America’s cosmopolitan black evolution; this in spite of the fact that Wilson does not possess a single racially conscious bone in his body; with Wilson’s family members reporting he doesn’t even laugh at distasteful jokes. Of course, Wilson’s neoconservative colleagues don’t think his outburst was caused by President Obama being black. They think it was caused by no filter being between his brain and his mouth and they’re probably right. But as far as the neo Marxist republic hating ideologues, and today’s garden variety glut of Frankfurt School narcissists are concerned, there is much to be alarmed about and they do not believe Wilson’s faux pas with Obama is even remotely innocuous. Rest assured Joe Wilson is not a white nationalist. Joe Wilson is not an advocate for European Americans and neither are his supporters. But to our enemies and the well moneyed haters who overseen and promulgated the marginalization of our kind for decades he might as well have been–and that’s just fine with me. Of course, don’t look for the disingenuous hacks over at FOX News to celebrate the fact that it is and has been white Americans, all year, which are expressing a sense of outrage at Obama’s “changes” and who seem to be revising an unspoken national identity.

This unexpected racially charged episode is actually something we as an endangered demographic should actually cheer; and we should hope there’s more incidents just like it. I mean just look at the responses coming from those who promote and facilitate the demise of our people’s heritage and nation.

Because of “You lie” the cosmopolitan maven representing the pinnacle of leftist bigotry, Maureen Dowd of the New York Times, continues to screech about the audacity of white southern politicians who seem to have forgotten their place in a multicultural America.

Because of “You lie” there’s the Congressional Black Caucus predicting the Klan is going to ascend from the grave and again ride through the countryside intimidating people.

Because of “You lie” we have Jeremy Levitt, a black international bloviator proclaiming with typical insolence that the so-called far right is taking down Mr. Obama with “trailer park prowess.”

Because of “You lie” we have a group of black newspaper publishers who just joined an economic boycott of South Carolina started 10 years ago by the state NAACP in protest of the confederate flag waving from the Statehouse grounds.

Because of “You lie” we have Richard Benjamin, a black author and anti-white instigator who can’t understand why some European Americans don’t like Barack Obama; who he may accurately believe is a focal point illustrating their minority status by 2042.

Because of “You lie” there are countless editorial writers decrying the recent 9/12 TEA Party in Washington DC because it was simply too white for their tender sensibilities.
Because of “You lie” Jimmy Carter weighed in to accuse Rep. Joe Wilson of racial overtones in having interrupted Obama’s health care reform address before Congress.

And let’s not forget early on when Obama’s economic advisor Robert Reich revealed their agenda when he stated that the stimulus money should be steered toward minorities and not toward “skilled workers and white male construction workers” (January 2009). Remember that? No, the “left” is not simply issuing “race cards.” This president and his sycophant’s statements belie the real deal. Of course, it was inevitable that president Obama now says (18 Sept. 09) that angry criticisms about his health care agenda are driven by an intense debate over the proper role of government — and not by racism. Right, this coming from a man who’s personal history and academic ventures is nothing but racist. I guess he figured it was time to apply the brakes a little by sending a signal to his drones to lighten up a bit—the wrong demographic is becoming irritable.

To me, these escalating two way accusations of racism are a good thing, a healthy thing. It means the enemies of our people are scared to death that the idea of compromise on the part of European Americans, accepting their ongoing marginalization as a demographic social and political entity is coming to an end. It means that getting away with lying or omitting facts and details regarding major issues to European Americans, such as mass immigration and non-white violence, may be coming to an end. Also weakening on a daily basis is impugning our people’s motivations or moral fiber often without any indisputable hard evidence. Ongoing phony outrage is having less and less of an impact too. “You lie” means that those who have been openly expressing their abject hatred of European American heritage and birthright these past 60 plus years are seeing the handwriting on the wall: that a new national synergy is about to unfold; a situation where different entities abandon the idea of political social and racial compromise and instead cooperate constructively for a final outcome, an outcome our enemies have long dreaded should they ever let loose of the (white) tiger’s tail.

And really, there is a natural law that commands a new nationwide synergy to take place. You will find it in the Declaration of Independence where it says:  “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness.” And to who does this passage in the Declaration of Independence look like it applies to in this era?

Well, it wasn’t a million Hispanics or a million blacks or a million Asians you saw at the 9/12 TEA Party, and neither were any of these groups dominant at this summer’s disobedient town hall meetings either.

No, what you have seen, what you have heard about, and what you instinctively understand is that it’s been European Americans collectively rising up in a national act of implicit whiteness; raging against the severe economic downturn, raging against a black activist president, raging against demographic changes,  ugly changes in culture, general anger, fear but with a re-examination of their identity.

No one is saying this trip will be easy. But when the tiger’s tail is finally released and he turns to exact his retribution we will look back and mark the day of our rebirth.

Thanks for listening
