NA51 ZCY Now Spells ‘NAZI’

This can’t be serious…

A top member of the whites-only British National Party has come undercriticism for a car license plate bearing letters and words resemblingthe word “Nazi.” Julian Leppert, a councilor with the far-right party,commonly drives to meetings in a black Ford Focus bearing the licenseplate registration “NA51 ZCY,” a combination many criticized as similarto the word “Nazi,” the Daily Mail reported Monday.

“When I first sawthe number plate on his car I couldn’t believe my eyes. It is sickeningand appalling,” opposition councilor Veronica Cole said. Howeber,Leppert said he did not notice the plate’s resemblance…

Howeber, Leppert said he did not notice the plate’s resemblance tothe word “Nazi” until it was pointed out by critics. He said theregistration number was automatically assigned to him and was not a personalized plate.

“I needed to buy a car in a hurry a couple of years ago and foundone for sale online,” he said. “The number plate was blacked out so itwasn’t until I arrived to pay that I saw it.”

I would have personally told her to go fly a kite. — Roman, EAU
