
The real world v. Henry Louis Gates

Special to Western Voices

The brouhaha over the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. has had an effect that has proved to be surprising to those with a vested interest in the antiwhite racial status quo in America. Gates was arrested after screaming abuse at a police officer in Cambridge, Massachusetts, sparking a heated controversy which drew the attentions of no less an august personage than the president himself. The spectacle was indeed a “teachable moment,” as Barack Obama arrogantly proclaimed, though not in the sense that he meant it. The “moment” taught white people that they don’t have to meekly accept being racially vilified as they have been for decades, and that “diversity,” far from being about fairness and equality, is a code word for institutionalized contempt of European Americans. In the aftermath of “Gatesgate” Obama’s once stellar approval ratings took the first of what will become many plunges. According to a Gallup Poll, Obama’s “support among Whites and Hispanics also declined, with only 48 percent of white Americans approving of the president’s performance–that marks the first time in July that a majority of white Americans did not support the president.”

Obama was elected largely because liberal whites in states with comparatively low black populations enjoyed a kind of self-righteous pleasure in conforming to the blanket “mainstream media” support of Obama and decades of compounded ideological white guilt to vote for the man who would become “America’s first black president.” The same kind of and Whole Foods.This is starting to dawn on Obama and his handlers, who still seem to think that the fawning press reflects real-world opinion and that their social engineering has worked. For the first time a “black leader” actually backpedaled from demagogic histrionics, with Obama attempting to “clarify” his earlier remark about the Cambridge Police Department’s arrest of the belligerent Gates being “stupid.” In the face of widespread outcry from police and citizens alike, the Obama “reversal,” however tame, was significant, especially since there are indications that Obama had actually prepared the comment earlier and expected the question from his pet press corps.

The protected status of nonwhites has spawned a parallel world that exists artificially and thrives in intentional environments like college campuses and the halls of power, bounded by speech codes, hate laws, hiring quotas, a complacent press…and a founders for a new religion of “diversity” and “tolerance,” albeit with a fervor that would have made those Puritans seem liberal in comparison. Gates is well-known, alright…to viewers of the federal government’s taxpayer funded party-line Public Broadcasting Network, which is about as objective as the Brezhnev-era’s Izvestia. On PBS Gates presented two elaborate PBS miniseries called African American Lives which delve deeply into Gates’ racial obsessions with the well worn myths of white perfidy and black greatness. His numerous books populate library shelves and required-course reading lists, and dying liberal dead-tree media like The Nation snap his one-note articles up.

Cocooned in a climate where anything less than abject praise for Gates and his ideology is not only unthinkable but potentially fatal to careers and reputations, it is no surprise that Gates unleashed an abusive, uncontrolled and irrational rant at Officer Crowley, the Cambridge cop who would arrest him. Apart from making a snide remark about Crowley’s mother and scorn for Crowley’s role as a white, institutionally racist oppressor of “black men in America,” Gates had a point when he screamed at Crowley that he didn’t “know who you’re messing with!” Gates’ supercilious reaction was the end result of decades of artificial entitlement masquerading as achievement and carrying the whole might of the state behind it.

While the Old Media could be depended on to protect the status quo, that pesky internet upset the show again, with The Smoking Gun site releasing the police report online. The document was in need to some heavy PBS edits, painting Gates as an arrogant racist bully seeking to Mau-Mau this white cop who had evidently forgotten his lowly station and dared to question the great Harvard Professor, Doctor Henry Louis Gates, Jr. Unexpectedly, the Cambridge police, brass as well as beat cops like a black officer who witnessed the Gates bust and vowed that “I won’t vote for Obama again,”  closed ranks behind Crowley. So the hounding of the poor woman whose call to the police over what she thought was a break-in initiated the incident, began. Press attention was relentless, and numerous threats of violence caused her to fear for her safety and to go into hiding.

Yet a release of the 911 tapes proved that her vilification was unfounded, so another scapegoat was needed. Luckily for the dominant paradigm, the scapegoat was captured, and not a moment too soon. Reflecting the anger of police officers over the incident and Obama’s betrayal of them, a Boston policeman named Justin Barrett was caught sending an indelicate email with language that reversed the racist putdowns regularly hurled at whites. The Establishment went into paroxysms of delighted outrage. Having found their victim, they crucified Barrett for Crowley’s “sin.” Boston Mayor Thomas M. Menino bragged that Barrett was “gone, g-o-n-e” from his police career, calling him a “cancer in the department.” His patriotic side career in the National Guard is finished. The invective and retaliation poured on Barrett would have, under ideal conditions, also been poured on Crowley, had not a mix of new media and a growing white discontent not been present.

The hubris is difficult to overcome for people like Gates who, unlike Obama, is able to simply dismiss any naysayers as ignorant or worse. Where Obama seemed to back off, however slightly, from slandering the white cop, Gates kept sermonizing, saying absurdly that he hoped “that this experience will prove an occasion for education, not recrimination.” Education, of course, of whites. After Obama hosted Gates and Crowley for beers at the White House, Gates said that Obama “was very wise, very sage, very Solomonic.” Much of the “mainstream media,” of course, offered such important insight as the brands of beer quaffed at the sitdown, but where Gates compared Obama to Solomon (and Newsweek’s to no less than God), there were hoots of derision, even in some segments of the “mainstream media,” about the cornball “beer summit.”

The fact of the matter is, a growing number of European Americans are feeling put out enough to admit to themselves that they’ve had enough of being racially vilified. Through affirmative action they’ve hampered their careers in the name of racial correctness. They put a black man in the White House as a symbol of their tolerance. They’ve apologized, accommodated, bent over backwards. Yet what they get in exchange is just more contempt and derision.

And they all know that if they themselves spoke with anything even approaching the tone of Gates to a cop, they’d be in the hoosegow, and Obama wouldn’t care less.
