Stuff Black People Don’t Like

This website is a spoof of another popular website, Stuff White People Like.

It is done tastefully and has gotten a lot play in a number of internet markets. Unfortunately black people have found out about it and are raising a storm of protest. While The Stuff Black People Don’t Like site is purely satirical, it nevertheless uses facts and generous amounts of Youtube clips to actually prove its points.

“The impulsiveness component of psychopathic personalityincludes an inability or unwillingness to delay immediate gratificationin the expectation of long-term advantage. Thefirst study to demonstrate differences between blacks and whites in thedelay of gratification was carried out by W. Mischel in Trinidad in thelate 1950s. He offered black and white children the choice between asmall candy bar now or a larger one in a week. He found black childrenwere much more likely to ask for the small candy bar now, and thisdifference has been confirmed in three subsequent American studies. This racial difference has been noted but given different names by different writers. In The Unheavenly City Revisited,Edward Banfield writes of the “extreme present-orientation” of blacks,and Michael Levin writes of “high time preference,” an economist’s termfor preferring cash now rather than a greater sum in the future.”

Black people live for the now, epitomized by the idea of “Get rich or die trying” which is the ethos for the Black community. Black people will continue to view saving money for the future as Stuff Black People Don’t Like and will continue to blame others for the generational problems.
