Or You Might As Well Just Park It

The preservation of our genes and our lands is undoubtedly in our best interest.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

Let’s keep it simple. Barack Obama won the presidential election for three reasons:
1] Blacks voted for him on racial terms because he’s black. No more, no less. In spite of the euphoria and calls for good will from his disciples it’s get-back time for whitey and many of us knew that from the get go. Before Mr. Obama was elected practically none of his black legion could articulate one policy he had in mind or had ever accomplished. A lot of spineless European American supporters are just as vapid as well; and both groups could care less how badly he wrecks our nation — as long as he’s black.

2] The alien hyper-leftist white-baiting American media has been prepping and preening the European American psyche for decades to not only accept a black guy in the White House but to actually facilitate it via white shame. The evidence is everywhere in what passes for modern American “culture;” and if you can’t see it by now then you are already a casualty.

3] The omnipotent American federal government and their diversity mongering corporate donors have contributed tremendously to this effort in terms of monies to non-white pressure groups, hate crime legislation directed primarily at European Americans, and PC university indoctrination…effectively scaring European Americans half to death with the risk of white racism, job loss, being black balled, and legal nightmares should they speak out a little too loudly.However, we can already see Obama’s Leninist / collectivist proclivities are making things progressively worse economically and at a breath taking speed. Don’t be shocked when in due course it will somehow be whitey’s fault — and of course the media will run with it. Nevertheless, we at European Americans United.org wish him a long healthy four year stay in the White House. He will do wonders to fill our ranks!

Now we hear Mr. Obama is going to tackle immigration reform after he spoke at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast on June 19th, a speech overloaded with religious language but thankfully short on guidelines. Referring to illegal mestizos from the southern hemisphere as “ours” he said “we” have to extend the promise of a better life to all of the invader’s children and grandchildren because we have to love thy neighbor as thyself, he says. By way of corporate donations and tax payer money, many of the mestizo racial leadership’s spiritual gurus at the breakfast, as well–as Obama’s churchianity advisers–have been stomping their feet and holding their breath insisting on some kind of significant immigration reform. In other words, mass amnesty. Mr. Obama said he favors a path to citizenship for the country’s estimated 11 million illegal immigrants. My question is what about the additional 9 million illegal immigrants, since there are closer to 20 million or more that are draining the public trough?

He went on to say the U.S. should be a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants; that they aren’t contradictory but they are complementary. Of course, he was referring to the way it used to be, well before the 1965 Immigration Reform Act (1) when the United States had already established a secure future for its Euro-derived citizenry. So what he actually means when he says the U.S. should be a nation of laws and a nation of immigrants is that its time to replace us—as a people– by using a dissimilar method of immigration applied to a traditional framework. Mr. Obama’s speech at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast on June 19th came a day after the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops fired off a letter urging the president to address the “moral matter” of illegal immigration. Empty pews and dusty collection plates, you know. So it was no surprise when two days later Mr. Obama put off a meeting with lawmakers to dream up a legislative scheme in order to confront the “moral issue” of immigration.

“Amnesty is what Jesus Christ gave us. So we should understand it is free of charge,” said Rev. Luis Cortes Jr., president of Esperanza, a network of Hispanic evangelicals. That’s right he said amnesty. Indeed, Frank Sharry, former director of the National Immigration Forum, said the so called faith community is at the forefront of the amnesty movement. However, the administration “would have hell to pay” if they continue to delay amnesty efforts disguised as reform. “They are going to have ministers chained to the White House fence if they don’t do a meeting (with the amnesty pimps) this time,” said Mr. Sharry. And you can be sure there are plenty of ethical relativists in the congress and the senate, conservative and liberal, who can’t wait to jump aboard the morality train alongside these spiritually vapid social engineers. In short while Mr. Obama and his minions keep saying illegal immigrants have broken the law when they breached our borders, that they must jump through a few hoops to atone for their sins, he nevertheless wants to reward them with full on amnesty. And by the way the National Council of La Raza issued a press release calling for the upcoming health care bill to cover all immigrants, including all illegal aliens. Can you afford that?  Moreover, here we are in the midst of one of the bleakest economic periods since the Second World War and there are forces at work that still want to give 12 to 20 million (closer to 30 million) primitive mestizos collective amnesty. And like I said before: while no race of people has a monopoly on virtue or vice, while no race of people has a monopoly on worth and value, contrary to popular misinformation that doesn’t mean they are all interchangeable.

As we’ve said here over and over and over again: the 1965 Immigration Reform Act is presently fulfilling the aims of the nation killers as seen in its effects. The U.S. Census Bureau projects that by the year 2043, European-derived people will no longer be a majority of the population of America due to the massive incursion of immigrants since the signing of the bill in 1965. Our people are currently at about 65% of the population. This terrible edict was signed into law barely 39 years ago; and a mere 34 years is all we need to lose our rightful place as a people—if trends continue as they are. As we’ve said here over and over and over again: most of these immigrants come from Third World nations whose customs, religions, and culture are far removed from anything remotely resembling a modern civilization. Within the framework of a “multicultural America,” these insurgents are egged on by the media and government string pullers to retain their own languages, customs, and religions. Given a moral mandate to expand both demographically and politically, expand they do! But any attempts by European-derived peoples to retain demographic, political, and cultural control in America are represented by the real haters as being ‘racist’ and ‘immoral.’Unfortunately for us however, this sorry state of affairs is not enough (for our enemies). Now in 2009 we have Barack Obama and his open border pimps from both sides of the political aisle trying to sell us mass amnesty disguised as “immigration reform,” may they all rot in hell.

You know, Patrick J. Buchanan nailed down our sorry state of immigration affairs better than anyone when he said in his book Death of the West: “With the Constitution, the law, and the politics on the side of doing his duty and securing our broken border, why does (the) President (Bush) not act? What is paralyzing the White House? Answer: Political correctness, political cowardice, political opportunism, a sense of guilt for America’s sins … that has a grip on our elites not unlike a religious cult.” Certainly in recent years millions of European Americans have begun answering the call to secure our borders and have stubbornly held the District of Corruption’s feet to the fire lest they have their way and do away with the border overnight; or like now granting mass amnesty to tens of millions of uneducated alien gatecrashers. Indeed the action of a determined few has benefited many, and that’s not saying much right now as things stand today.

As good as that activism has been it is simply not enough. Unless and until we as a collective demographic force consciously fix our sites on vigorously retaining our genetic, cultural and historical place in the world in a manner that parallels how non-white groups operate – no matter who doesn’t like it — we can see no possible remedy as our people continue to be pushed aside by the Third World and racially blended into obscurity. We must return to a place prior to the 1965 Immigration Act, when our immigration laws were crafted to protect and improve the white characteristics and birthright of the United States. America in 1965 which your host remembers quite well and within the collective memory of many of our listeners was whiter than she had ever been, well over 90 per cent if some of our younger listeners can believe that. So in less than three generations things have declined with a suspiciously accelerated tempo.

Let’s keep in mind however the vile sickness of sameness that currently pervades nearly every aspect of thought and knowledge in the minds of religious and secular leaders–extended to the rank and file population–is not a bulletproof facade. We must remember that ‘the Census Bureau points out that its projections (on immigration) are subject to big revisions, depending on immigration policy, natural or man-made disasters. The projections are also subject to changing cultural definitions and the way people see themselves.’ And therein lies the key to our continued existence when we say “changing cultural definitions and the way people see themselves.” We need a culturally motivated segment of the American population, that not only acquires an understanding which matches the idea that the racial requirements for obtaining American citizenship — that existed in this country since the time of the Founders up to the 1950s — is re-ignited and once again held up as morally responsible. We need an America that breaks away from the current madness and aggressively wipes out the so-called enlightened educational definitions on race and nation that are killing us. Given the hysterical reactions we’ve seen from the complicit media whenever European Americans present a logical and watertight argument, it’s clear to me we have the ability to make an impact.

So my admonition to you today—EAU member and nonmember alike—is to watch for the sudden lurch toward mass amnesty disguised as immigration reform by Barak Obama and his boosters in the media, churches, and Washington DC. Trust me it’s coming, and coming on fast. We’ll do our very best to keep you informed; and we’ll ask for your service to stop it dead in its tracks. Ultimately we ask that you help us continue our fight today so that we can hold them liable tomorrow.

The choice will be yours to do what you think is right.

But you will have to be alert prior to doing anything; don’t be sidetracked by the ongoing drama in Iran, the death of Michael Jackson, North Korea, the economy, or anything else. While no one is looking-now would be an excellent point in time for the amnesty pimps to present their case; and they probably already are. As a member of EAU you can help to re-establish an America in which our children learn about their history – teaching them to have pride not only in their heritage but in who they are without having to needlessly “hate” anyone. You can point out the results of decades of anti-white brainwashing by way of Western Voices World News extensive library of podcasts and commentary, augmented by our executive platform and principles. We can pass on to others, children and adults alike, the importance of protecting our people from replacement levels of Third World immigration  — and by default our nation — as young and old are taught to have pride in their identities. But time is short, very short.

We cannot ignore the significant role which the government, media, and academia have contributed to the situation at hand.  In whatever manner YOU decide to act–to resist the immigration state of affairs–now and in the coming weeks, your method absolutely has to fire on all eight cylinders (wherever you are with what you have) or you might as well just park it.

Thank you for listening.

(1)1. Senator Jacob Javits (NY)
2. Congressman Emmanuel Celler (NY)
3. Leo Pfeffer (former President of the American Jewish Congress (AJC)
4. Norman Podhoretz (writer and member of The Council of Foreign Relations)

* Senator Jacob Javits played a prominent role in the Senate hearings on the 1965 bill. Javits authored an article entitled ‘Let’s open the gates’ that proposed immigration levels of 500,000 per year for 20 years with no restrictions on national origin.

* Congressman Emanuel Celler, who fought for unrestricted immigration for over 40 years in the House of Representatives, introduced similar legislation resulting in the “Cellar-Hart Immigration Bill,” the precursor to the fatal bill of 1965.

* Leo Pfeffer, a so-called intellect and Former President of the American Jewish Congress, wrote many treatises and books that propagandized for open immigration.

* Norman Podhoretz, a former leftist, now a self proclaimed “neo-con,” also wrote many articles promoting open immigration.

* Self proclaimed Jewish organizations such as the American Jewish Congress, The Jewish Federation, the ACLU, and the B’nai B’rith and many others, filed briefs in support of open immigration before the Senate Subcommittee in the early sixties leading up to the passing of the 1965 law.
