Re: Or You Might As Well Just Park It

Feedback from a listener

Great speech.  I particularly like paragraph 4 (I listened to the audio too) where you said things are progressing worse economically at breath taking speed.  Amen.

Not only is there an anti-white influence, but the business colleges have taught for years anything goes to get more profit and one is cheap labor, no matter what the long term effect.  I remember arguing in business school that you won’t have anyone in your market to buy your product if you use cheap or foreign labor and import stuff but my arguments fell on deaf ears.  

Cheap labor is now starting to erode the tax base and native American whites and other groups are losing their jobs and, like you said, are getting pushed aside.

Things getting worse at a suspiciously accelerated rate is right too.  There must be an anti-white element to it because business refuses to back off of these short term cost fixes.

A good friend of mine, a Hispanic lawyer, who died of a brain tumor at age 41 said that white people are lazy.  But he meant it in a good way.  They weren’t willing to be abused in the work place and they were able to eschew material things and had a hippie like mentality.  In other words they could survive a mindless consumerism mentality driven society by just refusing to participate.

Well you can’t make money with customers and workers like that so off the money mongers went.

The illegal immigrants and lower class immigrants can’t resist their impulses.  They buy anything and everything despite where it is made, is it practical or do they really need it.  They want more people like this to sell their products to since whitey won’t get caught up in the marketing game.  So the more immature and child-like the market, the better.  So we are being sold out on both ends.

Great article Frank.  As always.  I really think we are in a free fall now, with California setting the pace.  Businesses are falling like dominoes now since somewhere down the line they are all co-dependent.  No wonder hot dog vending machine pushcarts are selling fast.  No one wants to work for someone else anymore and I can’t blame them.

The government has outsmarted themselves again because the smart money will probably go underground and do cash businesses such as daycare, hot dogs, washerterias, car washes, etc., basically anything where a lot of cash income doesn’t get reported and you actually make more money because you are illegally avoiding the income taxes.

