Thoughts from a Conservative Feminist on Status Seeking

Let’s face it, the highest “status” men in this country are arguably criminals, and most of them not likely even European American.

Referring to

“Editor’s note: the reason Dr. MacDonald cites no sources on this is because the phenomenon is so well documented as to require no citation. He also doesn’t cite sources establishing that water is wet.”

I’m sure you’d want cited sources about the kind and number of men who cheated, rather than a statement “any man will cheat given the opportunity” with no cited evidence.  I might make the same statement about that kind of assertion being so obvious as to not require source citation.  I point you to the argumentum ad populum fallacy. (Editor says: Good point.)

“Our correspondent is citing a specific case (wives of already wealthy men) to refute a general case (women prefer higher status men).”

No, I used it to refute the phrase:

“The pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.”

Women married to wealth find men with less status attractive, and it’s possible to be the opposite of what MacDonald asserts — wealthy men will end up rearing the children of men of lower wealth and status.

Just FYI on why women in general cheat, none of the issues relate to a man’s “wallet size” as demonstrated in alien cultural mores that have pervaded society and what the media tells us women “prefer”, I want to point you to the ambiguity around the term (high) “status”.  Status used to be based on industry, performance, merit, hard work, and community involvement.  If a man had status, there was a much higher correlation that he earned it — I’ll refer you to Celtic and Germanic tales of kings and how they came to become kings, heroes, gods, etc.  In our current society, wealth, at least extreme wealth, is tied directly to corruption and consumerism — the highest earners are those in industries such as banking and finance where numbers can be manipulated rather than real wealth created.  They are “pillage and take the money and run” kind of people.  

Editorial note: EAU has acknowledged this fact: “Today, the wealthiest Americans, with few exceptions, are bankers, stock traders and gambling magnates who import illegal aliens, export our industrial base and encourage foreign companies to dump cheap goods into our markets.” See

Maybe there is a segment of women attracted to men like that, but it is not all white women, not a majority of white women, not even a close minority — not when you segment out semitic women (wealth rather than intimacy in marriage, after all, is something they can count on in their culture).  

I think it’s very telling with whom wealthy women cheat — it’s an indication of what they truly find physically or emotionally attractive once they’ve secured their places for themselves and their children.  And, no, the stereotype is that it’s the handsome pool boy (a la Anna Nichole Smith), so what is commonly “known” is the opposite of what MacDonald asserts.  

I think MacDonald misspoke, and what I have read of his work concerning women and resources referred to women globally.  I agree with him that high quality women generally require a certain level of economic security just as a healthy extension of ensuring high quality parenting — a decent (not necessarily wealthy or extremely high) standard of living for their offspring.  But, beyond that range, for the majority of women of European descent, it’s irrelevant except where wealth coincides with virtues such as industry, intelligence, competence, etc.  

I think even MacDonald forgets that marriages in Western culture are based on monogamy and high-pair-bonding, so compatibility and longterm attractiveness.  In other words, other things are more important than wealth and status, when today’s warped view of “status” is entirely dependent on wealth.  Let’s face it, the highest “status” men in this country are arguably criminals, and most of them not likely even European American.  

Along the lines of what white women DO prefer, please check out

I think what a woman chooses when she doesn’t need money is more relevant and accurate.  Shallow (usually beautiful and not necessarily the highest IQ) women who target obscenely rich men in today’s era are, in many ways, irrelevant.  White men should be avoiding them like the plague.  

Meanwhile, confusing what “they” do with what white women in general “do”, especially those worth pursuing, is not only counterproductive but downright destructive.  
