Humans and Chimps more Similar than Yeast Varieties

According to a “There may be greater genetic variation between different yeasts of the same species than between humans and chimpanzees.”

Reporting on a study from the University of Gothenburg, the researchers noted that: “The study also shows that there can be greater genetic differences between individuals within a particular species of yeast than there are between humans and chimpanzees. The DNA of individual yeast organisms can vary by up to 4 per cent, compared to the 1 per cent difference between the DNA of humans and chimpanzees.”

While a liberal might look at this data and determine that chimpanzees are humans and that the only reason they have failed to achieve comparably to other humans is due to some form of “racism,” we here at EAU see the fact that humans differ from chimps by only 1% to indicate just how incredibly important even the smallest variations in DNA are; and thus how important the preservation of each unique ethnic group really is.While you may chuckle and think that even a leftist wouldn’t be crazy enough to try to classify a chimp as a human being, you’d think wrong. As recently as 2007, leftist activists tried to get Matthew Hiasl Pan, a 26 year old chimpanzee, classified as a human by the Austrian supreme court.

Of course, this isn’t terribly shocking. After all, it’s not much of a leap for a person to look at a Pygmy and an Irishman and say “I see no difference here” to then look at an Austrian and a chimp and say “Difference? What difference?”

People so stupid or deluded that they can’t tell the difference between an Irishman or a Pygmy, or between an Austrian and a Chimp, shouldn’t be allowed to vote and probably should be restricted from driving or anything else where their lack of discriminatory capacity in decision making could put others at risk.
