Anti-White Hate Crime Drops Below Media Radar — Again

Chattanooga TN: Joyce Russell of Wheeler Street said shewalked to Sandy’s Liquors. When she got back to her house there weresix black males standing in front.

She said one in the group called her “you white b—-” and punched herin the face at least twice. He pushed her to the ground and kicked herin the chest and stomach. Then they left without saying anything else.

Police said Ms. Russell had a tooth knocked out and her nose and upperlip were swollen. She had intense pain in her chest. She was taken tothe Memorial Hospital emergency room.

She said she did not know anyone in the group and believes she was targeted because she is white.**Source

**Let it be shown several internet search engines have turned up nothing concerning this case… other than what we have now. In consideration of the media’s past behavior when “uncomfortable” incidents like this have occurred, there is little reason to doubt it actually happened.  — Ed
