Under Oath

Obama and Chief Justice John Roberts flub Presidential Oath of Office on day marked by ominous portents


Photo: Whites forced to pledge allegiance to Ugandan dictator http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=376.

The coronation of Barack Obama as America’s “first black President” was the most expensive Presidential inauguration in the history of the United States. With unemployment skyrocketing and a recession wringing the economy dry, America’s taxpayers shelled out an estimated $170 million for the festivities, carried out behind bullet proof glass before a restive crowd that was estimated to be over 90% black. Afterward, more tax dollars were spent on a round of parties, with members of America’s elite gorging themselves on caviar and fine wines.

The eerie comparison of the spectacle with the most exaggerated self absorption of http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5135 (who actually never said “let them eat cake”) was creepily foreshadowed in federal buildings from coast to coast just before Obama’s coronation; by decree, official portraits of outgoing President Bush and his Vice President, Dick Cheney, were carefully taken out of their frames and systematically shredded, lest they be stolen and, like the images of ancient fallen gods or emperors, desecrated.

The most expensive inauguration followed the most expensive political campaign in world history; a compliant media was vital to Obama’s victory, but so was the astonishing figure of over $600 million he raised to get him into the White House.

In the end, despite all the messianic hoopla and expense, the day was continually marred by hitches, hiccups, tackiness and the howling of police sirens. Perhaps the worst moment came when Barack Obama took the Presidential Oath, the wording of which is mandated by the US Constitution. But when the fateful time came, the Oath of Office was flubbed when Obama cut off Chief Justice John Roberts as Roberts began to administer the 35 words. The confusion continued as Roberts, who was reciting from memory, lost his place; when the Oath was finished, Obama had completed it with many of the words in the wrong sequence.A legal expert on NPR even said that the incorrect phrasing may have made the Oath invalid, and that it should be repeated to be on the safe side.  

The media have been mildly abuzz with recriminations against Justice Roberts, implying that he may have thrown Obama off track on purpose, revenge for the opposition of Obama, then a Senator, to the Bush appointment of Roberts to the Supreme Court in 2005.

But something else may have been at work. Roberts is seen by the politically correct as a symbol of the “white, male conservatism” that, in their view, was rooted out by Obama’s triumph, which also was the dawning of a new America in which whites will finally become a minority population. Race was front and center in the campaign, as evidenced by the 90+% of black votes that went to Obama, and the “mainstream” media have fallen over themselves in hailing Obama as the standard bearer of a millenium in which people like Roberts will be relegated to oblivion. So racially charged is the atmosphere surrounding the Obama phenomenon that even the “benediction” prayer featured an http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=6473 against a white population supposedly now losing power to a nonwhite coalition led by Obama.  

Perhaps, then, Roberts stumbled because he was intimidated, either subconsciously or otherwise. In fact, he wouldn’t be the first conservative to lose his nerve in the face of the demagogic Obama onslaught. Mere minutes before the Oath, George W. Bush was met with obscene catcalls and boos from the crowd in a show of massive disrespect that left him looking as if he was near tears when he boarded his armored helicopter afterward. During the campaign itself, Republican contender John McCain meekly apologized and submitted to the http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4105; this from a man who had exploded with anger at much more muted recriminations from largely white union members concerned about his position on illegal immigration. McCain’s attempts to pander to nonwhites at the expense of his white base and in hopeless pursuit of unattainable black votes, peaked with his concession speech on the night of the Presidential election, where he kowtowed to the politically correct narrative of Obama’s win as an historic victory for black people and a necessary defeat for white racism.

Whites were similarly tremulous at the elevation of another “black savior,” namely Idi Amin, whose rise to absolute power in Uganda in 1971 was greeted with much the same intensity of worship now reserved for Barack Obama. Amin blamed whites and Indians for the comparative poverty of blacks, and his solution was to expropriate their property. In the interim, he enjoyed publicly humiliating white people, as seen in the photograph, forcing them to swear oaths of allegiance to him and, in one case, carry him around on their shoulders, bearing “the white man’s burden.” In the end, Amin’s treatment of whites and Asians led to the collapse of his economy, and his eventual overthrow, though not before he ate some of his cabinet officials.

Idi Amin was, like Obama (who carries around a http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=5021 of the Hindu monkey god Hanuman for luck), superstitious, and one wonders if Obama sees the Inauguration day events as portentous of trouble to come.

Apart from the problems with the Oath, the insulting of the millions of whites who are supposed to be integrated into his new rainbow nation, and the verbal abuse of his predecessor Bush, the economy failed to respond to the glad tidings of America’s new morning. In fact, it continued to fall, a process thanks in large part to the politically correct racial preference policies that got Obama elected in the first place, with the Dow Jones industrials down more than 300 points. Substance trumped form; in keeping with the religious zeal of the ruling elite for Obama, the New York Stock Exchange rang the opening bell on the steps of the nearby Federal Hall, the site of George Washington’s inauguration as bussed in children chanted “Gobama!” on the steps.

The expectations for Obama’s reign are like nothing ever seen before in the United States. An abject mass media, prostrate before Obama’s supposed greatness, reflects a disconnect with ordinary white people, a reason why it is dying. Melodramatic http://www.wvwnews.net/story.php?id=6479 and personal transformation from a few delusional stars doesn’t echo with a significant number of people, whose consternation is guaranteed to turn to anger when the artificial love affair with Obama is not longer able to be kept alive. George Fanning of the British National Party said it best: “No person of goodwill could deny President Obama the right to enjoy his inauguration and the political honeymoon to follow.  It just won’t last very long.”
