A National Effort

“Posterity, you will never know how much it cost the present generation to preserve your freedom. I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in heaven that ever I took half the pains to preserve it.” — John Adams

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

I’d like to paraphrase an October 2008 podcast where we stated the following: ‘As many of you listening to this podcast already know racial identity as practiced by European Americans and other European derived people is often perceived as either against the law — due mainly to media & academic conditioning — and is sometimes used as a career killer in this phony era of political correctness. The corporate group of businessmen in the media and schools who influence politicians by manufacturing public perception — who work behind the scenes for the sake of ‘world community,’ or rather a World State Corporation, do not want to find out European Americans have regained their identity; or that EA’s understand how acknowledgment of our very origins can provide the groundwork for our people’s true destiny — like our fellows are doing in Europe via a movement called the New Right. Certainly EAU understands there are immediate economic and social matters that must be addressed first in order to advance the natural progress of our kind. Nevertheless, our fellow European American citizens must first undergo a kind of spiritual awakening; an awakening, if executed correctly and properly nurtured, will create the necessary groundwork to challenge our impending political and social marginalization not only on an individual internal level but also (eventually) on an outer national level. And that my friends is where you come in. That’s why you are here today.’As we’ve stated countless times in these pod casts, your (our) general task is to stick with building an organizational capacity for racial and cultural transformation; especially by taking advantage of situations when they come up; and then, communicating productively with every European American man and woman capable of independent thought. Essentially, we seek to do this on two fronts: short term engagement of the political, educational and media systems armed with facts that must be presented without fear in the public realm; and to promote a long term nurturing of racial consciousness through education, especially of our children, until they and the general public in sufficient numbers exponentially do the same thing — until the point comes when we can no longer be ignored. Of course none of this will be easy, but it has to be done especially if you are aware of the need for it. Like we’ve said before, in order to change the system we have to engage the system, and engaging that system is a crucial activity. Otherwise, we who are sensible and logical activists, who bear no ill will on the basis of our ideology, who condemn the activism of costume wearing fools and psychopathic loudmouths; we will nevertheless continue to be compared to a baying hound at midnight tied up behind the barn. Again, this perception of people like us, regardless of what we do, won’t be easy to overcome. But we feel our task can be done and must be done regardless of the obstacles or the perception of our peers.

So, here’s what we’re going to do today. European Americans United is going to address a national issue. But we’ll need your help. More about that in a few minutes.

On December 30th 2008 the Christian Science Monitor ran an article called Race re-emerges as issue for GOP. This piece describes in no uncertain terms what the Republican National Committee in Washington are going to do in the future to overcome the 2008 public relations sandbagging and electoral beating they just took at the hands of the other Republicrats across the aisle. Their “new” strategy will be to grovel like new prisoners entering a penitentiary by appealing for votes to what they call “different constituencies” and also to “shake off a legacy of using race for political advantage.” In other words under the premise that they are going to make up for the remnants of what they call the Southern Strategy, a rather lame exercise in my opinion to polarize ethnic voting in general—the GOP has every intention of sucking up with a renewed vigor to minorities at the direct expense of white Americans in order win elections, of course. That’s it, to win elections.

Nowhere in this revealing piece does it say the Republicrats want to reassert the authority of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, to shrink the gargantuan federal government, to reform immigration policies, to cut taxes, to stop off shoring our few remaining industries, to get rid of the Federal Reserve, to outlaw infanticide and public displays of homosexuality, to allow folks to home school their children unhindered with traditional values—no, nothing of the kind. Never mind the fact that these issues and others like them are of extreme importance to a large portion of European Americans whether they are liberals, conservatives or independents. Of course, this kind of hubris-by-neglect is often described as liberty and freedom in their neoconservative media auxiliary, posing as the very servants of corruption, not realizing they themselves will eventually be overcome by the same corruption. No, they want to simply “win elections.” And they plan on doing so – yet again– by supplicating and kneeling before the alter of “diversity.”

Therefore, the EAU Board of Directors decided this would be a great opportunity to publicly address the upcoming strategy of the Republican National Committee; by revealing to those of our people with eyes to see and ears to hear in no uncertain terms exactly what these standard bearers of political correctness plan to do at their expense, at our expense. Of course, we are under no illusions our message will be well received within Washington DC’s neoconservative ranks, at least not by all of them — though the law of averages tells us more than a few will be receptive. And we also know that once our enemies get a hold of this communique’, such as the troglodytes over at the Southern Poverty Law Center and the international criminals known as the Anti Defamation League, they will in all likelihood issue yet another “intelligence report” or scribble yet another threadbare “press release to express their concerns” that a group of “haters” is trying to deceptively sway the political process in order to commit genocide and other crimes of unimaginable magnitude. You know what I mean, typical underhanded tripe designed to scare yet a few more bucks out of the political sleepwalkers and the WalMart crowd. Be that as it may here’s the letter to the Republican National Committee.

To: Mike Duncan, RNC Chairman
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington DC 20003
Email: Chairman@gop.com

Dear Chairman Duncan;

We read with interest that State GOP leaders will soon gather in Washington to begin the development of charting a new approach for the Republican Party.
We also understand that the topic of race will be “fundamental to the discussion,” though not a specific item on the agenda. According to the December 30th issue of the Christian Science Monitor (CSM) there is “a recognition that the Republican Party has to do more to reach out to different constituencies and also shake off a legacy of using race for political advantage.” Also in the CSM piece it was stated that “2008 clearly served as a wake-up call to people in the party and the RNC that it takes more than just your base to win elections.”

We are assuming of course that the “base” you are referring to is European American voters, largely rural, of whom the RNC previously courted by way of the Southern Strategy. Now it appears the RNC plans to explicitly court “different constituencies,” i.e. non-white voters, by shaking off the technique of using race for political gain. This to us is a very ironic position to take.

Washington DC is the most race conscious city in the nation and the effects of years of ethnic pandering that made it so has become quite evident. It is where the anti-white race based Affirmative Action law was crafted and is now enforced. It is where you and / or your colleagues fund race-based groups, like the Mexican lobbyists for LaRaza and African lobbyists for the NAACP who hold sway over our legislative bodies, for example. Curiously, there is no explicit representation for European Americans, sans the Southern Strategy, a voting bloc that still holds around 65% of the US demographic makeup in 2008. As you may know however, that numerical position is slipping away. Recent studies have verified that on or around 2043 European Americans are set to become a minority population; an event which seems to be aligned with the RNC’s call “that it takes more than just your base to win elections?”Clearly then, it appears that for you and the RNC “winning elections” is the sum total of your desired outcome. Additionally, more and more thinking Americans are coming to understand policies favoring the interests of often hateful anti European American populations are adopted –more often than not– under threat of electoral revenge.

The constituents you will seek out belong to, support, or most likely support racially exclusive groups which thrive in the legal atmosphere of Washington, are promoted by the media and academia, and are therefore active across the country. The election of Barack Obama and the top heavy black vote he enjoyed is proof of this, which is to say the RNC now seeks to marginalize an already shrinking population of European American voters in favor of a burgeoning non-white voting bloc, all for the sake of winning elections and nothing more. Therefore we can see the foremost function of the Republicans and Democrats has always been to guard liberal democratic practices that facilitate political correctness, subservience and market transactions at the expense of all else.

How, we ask, has come to pass that unintelligent and irresponsible policies coming out of the Beltway have led to the appearance that greater racial diversity leads to greater originality? This is a question that deserves to be answered. That answer, in our view, lies in the fact that a multicultural top heavy non-white America in the not too distant future will never be equivalent to our homogeneous ancestor’s record of world changing success in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Trivializing the most loyal and innovative segment of the population this nation has ever had is not only ill-advised or irrational, it is immoral — especially when the RNC’s politically correct position is rooted in winning elections and nothing more. Additionally, the RNC cannot continue to pander and supplicate itself to race based lobbies, non-white lobbies, because the Washington press corps shares their values, much of which is based on racial hostility toward European Americans. Along with trepidation and outright fear, your fear, this reason alone to many of your constituents is why so-called conservatives have proved themselves unreservedly helpless at preventing damage to their own country by radical leftists. In fact the RNC’s two standard failings, a need of a spirit of hard line activism and its lack of any clearly defined ideological foundation, has been proven time and time again, especially now with many of your traditional white rural constituents having voted “against” George W. Bush rather than “for” Barack H. Obama.

Adopting a more “inclusive” posture such as the one described in the Christian Science Monitor is defensive rather than offensive, and your only progress will be to emulate leftist orthodoxy, not only further blurring the line between the Republicans and the Democrats but contributing to the political downfall of the descendants who founded this nation; who gave our world the true constitutional meaning of freedom and prosperity.

Moreover, this “inclusive” posture has been tried with John McCain who pandered endlessly to Mexican pressure groups, African-American pressure groups, Israeli lobbies and practically anyone who was not a European-American. This election marked a breaking point where Republicans, if they pay attention, should learn that it is entirely possible to alienate the Republican base sufficiently that it will vote for third-parties, and even vote for a Black democrat rather than support the undermining of conservative principles. It was pandering, rather than failure to pander, which cost Republicans the election. In anticipation of conservatives offering something bold and inspiring, many European Americans will continue to leave your “base.”

Until those claiming to be conservatives adopt a more ground-breaking view of life by restoring America’s constitutional government to one that unambiguously respects the European American people by promoting their interests, including their freedom of political association rather than accepting a new status quo, our nation and ALL of its people cannot possibly emerge triumphant from the life or death struggle in which we are presently engaged.

On behalf of our members and supporters we are;

Mr. Drago Rendl
Mr. Frank Roman
Mr. John Young

Board of Directors
European Americans United.org

Now then, this is where EAU and the Board of Directors will need your help. Whether you are a card carrying member or a supporter we want you to copy this letter and disseminate it far and wide. We definitely want you to email it or send it in the USPS to the RNC so they will know beyond a shadow of a doubt that we “out here” in flyover country are onto their shenanigans; that their treasonous policies, their smoke and mirrors won’t cut it anymore. The primary point here is to let them know by way of repetition and volume that its time to grow a pair, that another course will be gladly received more than they think; and the true haters who go berserk regardless of what they propose can go straight to hell.

After all, they’re not the only ones (RNC) who have ever been caught in withering crossfire and survived.

We need you to mail (copy and paste or hard copy and mail it via USPS — Ed.) this letter to your state and local elected representatives, your congressman and senators, your local media outlets, the national media outlets, online message boards of all persuasions, your friends and family and especially to political junkies and aspiring politicians. We even want you to make sure it appears under the noses of university presidents and that institution’s various student groups. Again, being under no illusions we understand our communication may not be well received, at least not right away by everyone who sees it, but they will certainly remember it. The secondary point then is to clarify the irrefutable fact that every other demographic-based organization in America was established to protect its children and grandchildren from dangerous policies and laws, but only European Americans as a group have failed to speak out in one voice against the kind of insanity we see the RNC actually contemplating today.To those of you who assist in this effort, we thank you in advance. Let us know how it goes and good luck.

Thanks for listening.

Mailing Address:
Republican National Committee
310 First Street, SE
Washington, DC 20003

Phone Numbers:
Comment Line & General Information: 202.863.8790
Phone: 202.863.8500
Fax: 202.863.8820

Email Addresses:
General Information: info@gop.com Technical Contact: ecampaign@gop.com

Office of the Chairman
Mike Duncan, RNC Chairman
Phone: 202-863-8700
Fax: 202-863-8820
Email: Chairman@gop.com

Office of the Co-Chairman
Jo Ann Davidson, Co-Chairman
Phone: 202-863-8545
Fax: 202-863-8631
Email: Info@gop.com

Accounting, Human Resources,
Building Management, Network Operations
Phone: 202-863-8560
Fax: 202-863-8609
Email: Administration@gop.com

Communications Press, Media, Television, Radio
Phone: 202-863-8614
Fax: 202-863-8773
Email: RNCommunications@gop.com

Counsel Legal Redistricting
Phone: 202-863-8638
Fax: 202-863-8654
Email: Counsel@gop.com

Political Campaign Operations
Voter Programs
Phone: 202-863-8600
Fax: 202-863-8808
Email: Political@gop.com

Finance Marketing Donor Programs
Phone: 202-863-8720
Fax: 202-863-8690
Email: Finance@gop.com

Membership Services Address Changes
Phone: 202-863-8743
Fax: 202-863-8589
Email: Membershipservices@gop.com

National Committee Member Relations
Winter Meeting Summer Meeting
Phone: 202-863-8630
Fax: 202-863-8835
Email: MemberRelations@gop.com

eCampaign Website Questions
Phone: 202-863-8728
Fax: 202-863-8851
Email: ecampaign@gop.com

Phone: 202-863-8889
Fax: 202-863-8885

Government Affairs
Phone: 202-863-8809
Fax: 202-863-8877
