California: Arrests in Gang Rape of Lesbian

California case raised $1 million reward for arrests

Four males, two of them minors, have been arrested for the alleged gang rape of a in Richmond, California, a case that gained widespread media coverage and a $1 million reward for information leading to an arrest. Initial stories on the attack claimed that three of the assailants were “Latino” and the fourth black. Police have charged Humberto Hernandez Salvador, 31, and Josue Gonzalez, 21, (right) for participation in the rape, and did not name the others because, at 15 and 16, the pair are underage.  

According to reports, the victim, who had a “gay rights” sticker on her vehicle, was attacked on December 13. The assailants allegedly made derisive remarks about the victim’s sexuality in the course of the attack, after which they allegedly stole her vehicle.

While sexual assault of any kind against anyone is of course despicable, this case seemed to evoke a greater sense of outrage in media and government circles than similar attacks because of the “sexual orientation” of the alleged victim, the words of her assailants, and the proximity of the crime scene to the, which has a politically powerful resident homosexual lobby. The four accused gang rapists will likely face “hate crime” enhancements, which has the effect of giving the impression that homosexuals, like other legally “protected groups,” are more important than other citizens. often bordering on violence. In San Francisco, (white) homosexuals allegedly even used racial epithets against blacks in response to the huge number of black votes in favor of traditional marriage, although the politically correct homosexual activist leadership held the leftist line; while conservative white churches were subjected to intimidating mob scenes, activists steered well clear of black churches. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was especially targeted by homosexual extremists with the same kind of virulent self-righteousness that led to the death of the church’s founder, Joseph Smith, and the mass expulsion of Mormons from the Middle West in the 1800s.

Perhaps even more ominously, the California political establishment, ideologically committed to the “gay agenda” and reliant on its power, is refusing to implement the democratic decision of the people of California with Prop 8, and special interest groups are fighting it in court.

According to politically correct dogma, all “minority” groups, from blacks and hispanics to women and the disabled all have common interests in the face of “the racist, straight white male” power structure. This childish fantasy has proved wrong again and again, from the hispanic ethnic cleansing of blacks in Southern California to the black/feminist split in the Democratic leadership contest between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. In California, homosexuals are beginning to see nonwhites as a threat to their social goals. In these circumstances, the alleged gang rapists, despite their race, should expect the book to be thrown at them.
