SPLC Flashback

The Southern Poverty Law Center still  hasn’t added itself to its list of “anti-immigrant hate groups” (We’re still waiting. — Ed.)

Feb. 11, 2008

The  Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), has grabbed a very lucrative and seemingly permanent seat on the fundraising gravy train by  smearing organizations it claims are  “anti-immigrant hate groups.”

But recently the SPLC itself attacked an immigrant ethnic minority using the exact same language which, when used by other organizations, it denounces as hate speech and proof that they are nativist “hate groups.”  The SPLC is going to have to add itself to its list of hate groups!

SPLC’s modus operandi for fundraising based on smear is simple, dishonest and vicious. It assumes for itself the authority to define what is a “hate group.” It broadens that definition to include political speech—any viewpoint that doesn’t strictly adhere to the SPLC’s Politically-Correct party line. It adds these groups to a list which already includes the Klan, neo-Nazis, etc in order make the list seem credible and to affirm dissenters’ guilt by associating them with those that legitimately qualify as “hate groups”.
Then it trumpets to its donors that  “hate groups” have so proliferated that America is in imminent danger of becoming a fascist dictatorship run by those hate groups —and that giving to SPLC is essential if this rapid descent toward fascism is to be stopped.

Of course, the readers of VDARE.COM already know that, with SPLC’s highly elastic standards, anyone and any group that dares speak out against illegal immigration is eligible to be condemned by these witch hunters as “anti-immigrant, xenophobic, fascist, racist, bigoted,” etc., etc., etc.

But the SPLC has now posted on its website a vicious anti anti-immigrant screed directed at legal immigrants from Russia. (See it at  The Latvian Connection West Coast Anti-Gay Movement on the March By Casey Sanchez, SPLC Intelligence Report, Fall 2007)

