Outliers and Hatred Against Hillbillies

On anti-white canards from someone who should know better: Malcolm Gladewell

Author Malcolm Gladwell’s career path reminds me of 1970s rock star Peter Frampton.

In1976, Peter Frampton released “Frampton Comes Alive.” Criticallyacclaimed, it was one of the biggest selling live albums of all time.

Hefollowed up with “I’m In You,” a lesser effort. He then flamed out withthe movie, “Sergeant Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”

Gladwell’s first book was “The Tipping Point,” a critically acclaimed best seller. The second, “Blink,” was a lesser effort.

Hislatest book, “Outliers,” is Gladwell’s “Sergeant Pepper.” A totalembarrassment. Frampton was embarrassing because he made bad choicesand took bad drugs.

Gladwell’s book is embarrassing because it is inane and plays on stereotypes.

I’mnot sure what the point “Outliers” is supposed to be making. He talksabout hockey players, birth years and other random topics. He sucks upto some New York lawyers, including his agent.
I don’t mind pointlessness or shout outs to his buddies. Lot of authors write pointless books and butter-up their friends.

What I mind is his prejudice and hatred against the people of Appalachia.

Gladwelldevotes an entire chapter of the book to Harlan, Ky. A place I ampretty familiar with. I’ve been there countless times and my daughterswere born in an adjoining county.

Nothing suggests that Gladwell has been near Harlan, but it doesn’t stop him from being an expert anyway.

Although“Outliers” is subtitled, “The Story of Success,” Gladwell thinks thepeople in Harlan are a bunch of losers. He calls it “a remote andstrange place” and tells the story of a 1930s fight between the Turnerfamily and the Howard family. He spends the rest of the chapterpromoting a theory that people in Appalachia are more prone to violencethan people in the North because of their “Scotch-Irish heritage.”

