Open Letter on the Genocide of Afrikaners

Adriana Stuijt

To: the Office of the Prosecutor,
International Criminal Court Communications Register
Head of Information & Evidence Unit

From: Adriana Oosthuysen-Stuijt
Dokkum, The Netherlands

The international human rights organisation Genocide Watch already warned in 2003 of, in their view, a “secret Boer genocide” taking place in the South African countryside. [See their

At that stage, some 1,800 white Afrikaans-speaking rural dwellers had reportedly been slain on commercial farms and on agricultural smallholdings alike and many raped—often in attacks by large groups of black African men who—as was pointed out by Dr Gregory Stanton of Genocide Watch in 2003—carried out these attacks in an extremely violent fashion accompanied by a high level of unnecessary cruelty, torture and always accompanied by rape and humiliation of the victims. Since the publication of that report in 2003, the death toll of whites on farms and smallholdings in South Africa has risen to 3,008 people up to Nov 7, 2008, our archives show.Dr Stanton was interviewed in 2002 on the South African Television documentary A Bloody Harvest. The of the broadcast can be seen on the website of the TV company.

Dr Stanton also can be seen describing the Eight Stages of Genocide on this video and his credentials.

A Bloody Harvest shows Stanton speaking about this:

While the South African situation does show a high level of criminal activities from organized gangs described by the US State Department as “feral youth gangs which do not hesitate to shoot, maim and rape,” an analysis of the archives I have been maintaining of these armed murders and attacks targeting specifically the white minority Afrikaans speakers, shows that they are indeed being murdered and attacked at a rate which is out of all proportion to their representative size in the South African population.

In 1994, when South Africa’s hegemony was handed over peacefully to the black majority government of Nelson Mandela, white South Africans represented about 9.6% of the South African population according to the CIA country file records for South Africa, which I believe is a reliable source also because of the USA’s satellite surveillance program mapping human populations.

However since that time, the records indicate—based on transport reports, the SA government’s own rather limited emigration statistics, and church records of the various white Afrikaner church denominations in South Africa, at least 1.5 million of South Africa’s whites have left the country—while some 5 million black Africans have transmigrated into South Africa from other African countries.

Based on this fact, one would also expect the crime-statistics to reflect lower violent death rates among South African whites and higher ones among the black population.

However the EXACT OPPOSITE is occurring—indicating that Dr Stanton’s 2003 claim that a “secret genocide” was taking place targetting specifically Afrikaner whites, may well be accurate.

At only 7.5% of the population and still shrinking, whites are 10% of 2007’s “unnatural deaths” in 2007.

While white South Africans now represent only 7.5 percent of the SA population, this highly visible minority group’s “unnatural death rates” represent 10% of the SA population. And even though the white “braindrain” out of South Africa is still occurring, these killings and accompanying increases in public hate speech by local level leaders of the ruling tricameral parties, the African National Congress (ANC), the SA Communist Party (SACP) and Cosatu trade union movement, also show an alarming increase over the past year.

The University of South Africa’s analysis of the forensic reports of 33,513 of the more than 80,000 people in SA who had died “unnatural deaths” in 2007, (i.e. murders, culpable homicides, suicides) was released by UNISA university’s forensic analysis department on November 4 2008. (1)

It did not gain widespread news media attention.

This report showed that more than 10% of these “unnatural deaths” had been white South African victims.

There had also been a drop in the proportional representative number of black “unnatural deaths.” While of course being the majority population group (now at 85%) their unnatural death rate was showing that it stood at 73% of the population.

News report of UNISA forensics examination, in Afrikaans:,,5-83_2421848,00.html.

Hate speech targeting “white Boers” from municipal-level ANC/SACP/Cosatu leaders:

Over the past year, there has however been a new development in this regard, with the rural “farm attacks” now also spreading into the towns and cities, especially in those suburbs around Afrikaans churches where most Afrikaners are apt to live.

These attacks, carried out in identical modus operandi, now occur at the rate of 40 attacks a day, targetting families inside their homes. All show one specific hallmark: the killers often arrive, ask for the homeowner or landowner by name, and shoot him/her dead execution-style.

Little of value is stolen, similar to the events seen in the “farm-murders.”

Ethnic cleansing of Afrikaner names from the South African map:

The past year has also seen an accompanying and in my view, very dramatic increase in the public hate speech utterances targeting specifically whites, (or “Boers” as they are cursed by black South Africans.)

A “scapegoat culture” seems to be developing accompanied by a great deal of public anti-white hate speech from local level black political leaders in the tricameral leadership. Similar hate speech is not seen among other black opposition groups such as Inkatha Freedom Party, indicating that the hate speech among the ANC/SACP/COSATU local-level leaders are organized, and preplanned instead of impromptu.

I have summarized the latest incidents on the following blog page

Whites participating in the political process, both English-speaking and Afrikaners, also are frequently being barred from even speaking at public political meetings even about matters which concern their own community closely, such as the ongoing ethnic cleansing style campaign to rename all the towns founded and built by the Boer forebears of the Afrikaners, such as the city of Pretoria’s renaming. Afrikaner groups who wanted to lodge a formal objection to this renaming of what they view as their own historical capital city, were shouted down by a large group at a public city council meeting and a number of Afrikaners were arrested after the whites had been attacked by black members of the audience.

There is considerable evidence that this deliberate interference in the political rights of whites in South Africa is organized by the ANC/SACP/Cosatu tricameral ruling party’s local level organizers who also organize transport to these events.

You may note in Dr Stanton’s definition of Genocide that ethnic cleansing campaigns in which the targeted group’s cultural and ethnic rights are taken away by the State, also form an integral part of the genocidal process.

These detailed, written explanations as submitted to the United Nations, can also be

See this interference in the political rights of the Afrikaans speaking taxpayers on these two videos:

The public hate speech by leading members of the tricameral leadership even includes the ANC’s elected president Jacob Zuma who, while recently twice visiting squatter camps housing impoverished white Afrikaners, also continuously keeps singing a very worrying song to his supporters called “Bring Me My Machine Gun.” *

All these activities are an indication in my view that South Africa is becoming leaderless, to such a degree that the country is increasingly being ruled by local-level criminal warlord-ruled gangs in which activities even the local police are seen to participate.

The remaining South African whites are, in my view, now living in an atmosphere of violence and a dramatic increase in hate speech targeting this highly visible minority group.

I don’t know what legal steps could be taken on an international level to try and rescue this politically emasculated, hate speech targeted and highly visible minority group from annihilation—also because Afrikaner whites are not granted any political asylum in any country in the world because the governments in those respective countries maintain that South Africa now is a democratically ruled society with an orderly judicial process and an efficient constitution.

However the constitutional rights of the Afrikaners are being rapidly eroded, as are the constitutional rights of all the people of South Africa.

I hope that your organization would be able to bring relief to this embattled population group, which although clearly a very “unfavored” minority, should be afforded the basic human rights afforded to all human beings in the world.

I don’t know what steps your body could take to alert the international leaders to this present threat of genocide hanging over the white minority in South Africa.

But I hope you are able to undertake something after examining some of these facts I have put before you in this brief document.

Please do not hesitate to call on me if you require more detailed information.

Please note that there are now some 100,000 Afrikaans speaking South Africans working legally in The Netherlands, and each one could bring you their personal testimony of their own reasons for leaving what many of these Afrikaners see as a “genocidal campaign” targeting them in the country of their birth.

Yours sincerely,

Adriana Stuijt

* “Bring Me My Machine Gun” was the “fight song” of MK, Umkhonto we Sizwe, the terrorist army of the ANC. Despite black members like post-apartheid’s first two “democratically elected Presidents” Nelson Mandela and Thabo Mbeki, its Bantu name and its goal of black rule, MK was led by Jewish Marxists like Arthur Goldreich, Ronnie Kasrils, Lionel “Rusty” Bernstein and Joe Slovo. (Their involvement was especially interesting given the fact that the State of Israel was for decades South Africa’s closest ally and supplier of weapons). MK carried out a campaign of brutal attacks against white civilians; Nelson Mandela, now hailed as a secular saint, was arrested at an MK hideout where explosives were stashed.

Jacob Zuma, an especially unpleasant MK alumnus, current ANC boss and next “President” of South Africa, is particularly fond of his version of “Bring Me My Machine Gun”:

Bring me my machine gun
do not hold me back
Bring me my machine gun
or I will blow my stack.
Bring me my machine gun
Oh. Thank you.
It’s about bloody time.
Now I have my machine gun
I am going to need some bullets.
