The Nail In the Coffin Of Marxist Theory


Do you remember the old Marxist thory that the “last stage in the breakdown of capitalism is fascism”?

Well here’s the rub: in the midst of the most dangerous crisis in the history of capitalism, what does the world’s premier capitalist nation do? It elects a Black Liberal President.

So much for the old crap Marxist theory that the penultimate stage in the breakdown of capitalism is fascism.

We can now see, as I have been saying for a long time, the penultimate stage in the breakdown of capitalism is socialism – in the form of Obama and the Democrats.Both the Left and Right of politics are run by the same financial and media forces – and the final stage itself in capitalism will be Islamo-Capitalism, where the Arabs who will own the last of the oil and the last of the capital spent on buying that oil will control capitalism.

Obama is the third stage before the breakdown itself – Obama is the mechanism whereby Democracy is surrendered to Islamo-Capitalism.

Who would dare criticise the Black Jesus, the Melanine Messiah of the White self hating elite?
