Lying To Pollsters

The leadership of European Americans United urges all members and supporters to partake of just this kind of activism. Call them out. It works. — Ed.

Amidst the helter-skelter of the 2008 presidential election, white-bashers have resorted to blaming their failed pre-election polling and their failed election day polling on the diverse white voters for “telling lies” to pollsters. This requires dismissal of the fact that fully 50% of all voters decline to tell election-day pollsters, for example, how they voted.

This concept is called “The Bradley Effect” and arose when Los Angeles Mayor Thomas Bradley ran for governor of California in 1982. When he lost the election, the diverse white American voters in California were blamed and condemned as liars by pre-election pollsters. Thus “The Bradley Effect.”

A leader in this smear campaign in 2008 was writer Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post. After he repeated this smear several times on the Chris Matthews TV show and printed it in his column on 1/11/08, Resisting Defamation sent him this email and blind copies to about 25 co-workers at the Washington Post.


—– Original Message —–
From: Stanley W.
Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2008 9:42 AM
Subject: The Bradley Effect — a Hate Hoax

Dear Mr. Robinson:

Re: Your racist column 1/11/08

Regarding “The Bradley Effect,” consider that polling may be imperfect. I imagine an opportunity for you to smear the diverse white American voters is too good to turn down, but you cannot honestly claim that divergency from polling measures bigotry. In your tiny racist world, polling may always be correct, and divergencies in voting always convict white American voters of heinous crimes, but in the real world where real people live and work, we know that at least 50% of voters decline to answer polling questions at the voting site.

You are a good reason that pundits and jumped-up public voices should require licensure every three years so we could submit complaints to the government for a hearing on banning your hate speech from the airways and from print media.

Stanley W.
