Neocon Shocked at Austrian Developments

British National Party Deputy Chairman

I’ll never forget [neocon’ appearance on Question Time a couple of years back in which, whilst being pushed into a corner, she openly renounced her loyalty to Britain in favour of another country [Israel. The fact that she is still able to make her living writing as some kind of bastion of British mainstream ideology is as such rather mystifying.

However, I’ll not detract from her ability to write skillfully and succinctly as her recent response to the democratic gains by Austrian Nationalists contained in the Spectator magazine demonstrate.

Allowing for the assumption that she really does think she is caught between a rock and a hard place and filtering out the infantile insults accordingly you begin to see the picture. Says[The nationalist electoral success in Austria presents a nightmarish prospect in which, if the democratic parties of Europe continue to demonise legitimate aspirations to maintain national cultures against undemocratic and anti-democratic forces, more and more people will be drawn to these parties – see the sophisticated pitch by and increasing support for the BNP in Britain, and social disorder will rise. The rise of these noxious groups is  due to the abandonment by social democratic parties of the defence of the nation and the right of individual peoples to their own cultures and self-government. The continuing rise of the BNP in Britain is overwhelmingly the outcome both of the fanatical Europhilia which masquerades as the centre ground while engaged on its project to destroy Britain as an independent nation, and the systematic destruction of British national identity and the demonisation of those Britons who object by the dominant left-wing elites.
