Lost in the Wilderness

McCain: The descendants who arrived on the Mayflower and the Latina daughter of migrant workers are one in the same.

by Frank Roman

Audio Version

Well, I have to admit that Joe Farrah of World Net Daily fame recently stole my thunder following John McCain’s nomination acceptance speech a few days ago when he “predicted one of the very first orders of business for McCain will be to sign a sweeping bill granting amnesty to tens of millions of illegal aliens in the United States.” Like we here at European Americans United and Western Voices World News have hammered on over and over again; just as George W. Bush has no intention of securing America’s borders from the Third World neither does John McCain nor Barack Hussein Obama. In fact you can be sure both of these presidential candidates will continue the policies of Clinton Bush and Bush by leaving the U.S. wide open to the threat of latent terrorism, drug runners, vicious gangs like MS13, and other criminals.

And really no one should be surprised. President Bush, John McCain and Barack Obama, along with all of the other sociopaths in Washington, D.C., do not really believe in putting America first and they know it.That’s only a public viewpoint they like to spout for the next generation of people who will lose their jobs or miss another mortgage payment. They are dyed in the wool globalists, and globalists don’t really need party labels such as Republican or Democrat in order to achieve their dream of a borderless consumer-driven plantation. But they will use those labels in order to snooker the bourgeoisie. In spite of John McCain’s impassioned concert the other night, and Barack Obama’s performance the week before never forget that people like them are raceless and nationless, who view the kind of constitutional government, national sovereignty and independence envisioned by our European founders — as barriers to the money men behind all their political talk; who want to merge the United States into some kind of affirmative action global paradise. All you have to do is examine their records to see they’ve obediently knelt before the black altars of, and swore their oaths to, anti-white racist hate groups like LaRaza and the Anti Defamation League.

So yes, while Mr. Farrah did state our shared concern over McCain’s inevitable amnesty he, Mr. Farrah, also made it abundantly clear that his one real concern is preserving the Republican Party because an amnesty ‘will be sending the Republican Party into a political wilderness for a decade or more.’  Sorry Mr. Farrah, but the so-called Republican Party as well as the Democrat Party have not only been lost in the wilderness, they have been existing in a parallel universe trying to drag in the few of us with any sense left. Neither one of these so-called parties has yet to address the certifiable fact that according to the US Census Bureau European Americans are on the edge of becoming a minority in one generation, let alone doing something somewhat effortless like sealing the border with Mexico and deporting all of the interlopers. I mean here we have a firmly entrenched Washington insider. Mr. McCain, running for the most powerful executive position in the world telling us that the descendants who arrived on the Mayflower and the Latina daughter of migrant workers are one in the same. Talk about lost in the wilderness.

Anyway, as I sat and listened to Senator McCain I heard him talk about a lot of nice things he wants to do; things no one with any good judgment could possibly disagree with. He spoke about low taxes and spending discipline, rewarding hard work and risk takers and letting people keep the fruits of their labor. We heard him say he believes in the values of families, neighborhoods and communities and empowering parents with school choice. In other words it sounds like something akin to the audio track of a Norman Rockwell painting doesn’t it? And how many times have we heard these same opiate based ramblings before, whether coming out of the chops of a Democrat or a Republican? Personally I tend to put more faith in what people like John McCain have said off camera. In other words, while addressing some big shots in San Francisco,  Barack Obama was caught disparaging blue collar white people in PA for clinging to their guns, religion and identity. And no one has yet to apprehend John McCain’s remarks delivered on March 26, 2008 to the Los Angeles World Affairs Council. The World Affairs Council is a series of diversity focused border dropping activist groups whose donors and supporters include the likes of Boeing, Bill and Melinda Gates, Microsoft, the Department of State, a host of insurance companies and banks . So if some of you allegedly conservative Republicrats out there still think a McCain/Palin ticket is going to deliver an American Utopia think again:

McCain: “The promise of North, Central, and South American life is too great. …  I believe the Americas can and must be the model for a new 21st century relationship between North and South (hemispheres).  Ours can be the first completely democratic hemisphere, where trade is free across all borders, where the rule of law and the power of free markets advance the security and prosperity of all.”

Ah yes, security and prosperity as we all shop together under the rule of law. Never mind ethnicity or culture, or preserving the heritage and blood of European Americans who face slow motion genocide through low birth rates and miscegenation. Hatching a sort of common destiny among dissimilar races is not only insane because it has never worked but it will require unimaginable suppression — complete with advanced hate crime and hate speech laws and even more surveillance. This is racial relativism at its best. European Americans are therefore expendable and can be replaced. If McCain has his way we’ll be just another mestizo-speaking 3rd world back water. Only bigger.

 McCain: “We can’t build an enduring peace based on freedom by ourselves, and we do not want to. We have to strengthen our global alliances as the core of a new global compact, a league of democracies that can harness the vast influence of the more than 100 Democratic nations around the world to advance our values and defend our shared interests. At the heart of this new compact must be mutual respect and trust.”

Well isn’t that a revealing thing to say? Who does he think built an otherwise enduring peace based on freedom in 1776 — and truly wanted to? Martians? The United States as a nation of European Americans has always been the leader of the “free world,” whatever that is. But our people did it at the same time they were protecting and maintaining their blood and heritage, by not opening our borders to the Third World or endowing special interest groups based on race some kind of consecrated status that has allowed them to denigrate and blackmail European Americans like they do today.
Like nearly all sociopaths who live and breathe Washington DC, McCain’s campaign rhetoric has practically never, nor will it ever, equal his actions; and that should have been the big red flag –at the very least– that would have allowed someone like Ron Paul or Chuck Baldwin to get the nomination. But the conditioning of the masses from cradle to grave through obfuscation and political correctness is efficient to the say the least. You know, I really hate sounding so cynical but really, to whom do you think John McCain is obligated to discharge his obligations: the moneybags and diversity mongers over at the World Affairs Council or the cheering party loyalists, most of whom are white, at his nomination speech? And don’t think for a minute Barack Obama is off the hook here, either. As far as I’m concerned Barack Hussein Obama and John McCain are one in the same; they merely work through different avenues to arrive at the same anti American anti white economic and political goals—none of which has anything to do with addressing the ongoing displacement of our people.

But that’s okay. WE will take care of it.
