Media Cover Up Truth of Extremist Communists Behind Anti-BNP Demo

Deceptive media easily outed — again.

The anti-BNP demonstration outside theRed, White and Blue Family Festival was given great prominence by theestablishment media — with claims that “hundreds of anti-fascists” hadarrived to demonstrate against the event.

All of the media, however, deliberatelycovered up the single most important fact about the anti-BNPdemonstration — namely that it was organized by an assembly of the mostextremist leftist Communist and Trotskyite  organizations in Britaintoday.

There is no excuse for the media tohide this fact from the public — the anti-BNP demonstrators openlycarried their Communist Party flags and Socialist Workers’ Partybanners, as can be seen from the photographs alongside.

The media, by deliberately ignoring theextremist Communist nature of the ‘protestors’, many of whom wore masksand attacked the police, have shown themselves to be complicit in lyingto the public. It is a disgrace on the journalistic profession, and ablot on democracy itself.

This deliberate lying does raise aninteresting question about the type of people in the newspapernewsrooms: they would have seen the true nature of the Communistdemonstration, but all have deliberately chosen to ignore it in theirpresentation to the public.

This can only be for one of tworeasons: either they are all just inherent liars, or, they saw thatallowing the public to see that anti-BNP demonstrators are just a bunchof extremist Communist rabble, would undermine their supposed‘credibility’ as being “representative of public opinion.”

The reader is left to decide which of the two is the reason — or is it both?

BNP Source
