Fl: Commissioner Finds Voodoo Doll With Her Face

Voodoo doll vexes Volusia deputies


Volusia County deputies are investigating a http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=4353 that was left on the lawn of a Deltona city commissioner.

The 6-inch figurine was handmade of cloth and possibly grass, and tied together with string or yarn, and contains a picture of Commissioner Zenaida Denizac on the head of the doll.

The http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=3164 now sits in the Volusia County Sheriff’s evidence building.

Denizac said she is troubled by what her husband first thought was trash Saturday. The doll was found directly underneath her mailbox, on a black tray with black powder  and what appeared to be a used candle.

“How dare people have the audacity of trespassing on my property, and who would do something like this?” Denizac said.”Is this considered a hate http://wvwnews.net/story.php?id=2867? I don’t know,” said Brandon Haught, a spokesman with the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office.

