White Nationalism: A Reply to Takimag.com by Jared Taylor

“What race realists find most infuriating about the liberalism of the last half century is not just that it has lost its instinctive appreciation for the culture and people of the West but actively, viciously attacks them. Whites are doing something no other people has ever done in human history.” Jared Taylor

There has been a long and interesting discussion over at Takimag.com on what is being called “white nationalism.” The first to raise the subject was Paul Gottfried, who made many subtle and interesting points to be found here. He noted that although “white nationalists,” among whom he included me by name, are bravely leading the attack on egalitarianism, they “lack a civilization” and are therefore “not likely to carry our society toward a new vision of order.”

I will say, first of all, that I greatly admire Prof. Gottfried. I have five of his books on my bookshelf and have read and profited greatly from all of them. That puts him in select company, along with Richard Lynn, Dickens, Conrad, Trollope and only a few others. It therefore pains me to have to say that despite the respectful interest he takes in what I would prefer to call “race realism,” he does not seem entirely to understand it.

It is flattering, to be sure, but Prof. Gottfried sets for “white nationalism” a far grander task than it ever set for itself: creating or defining a civilization. At its most basic, racial consciousness has as its goal the preservation of a certain people. Its aim is to rekindle among whites what every previous generation until recently so took for granted they did not even give it a name: an instinctive preference for their own people and culture, and a strong desire that they should prosper. I note that every other racial group acts on this healthy instinct and desire. Race realism therefore has no theory of religion, the family, art, or the role of government, except in the very general sense that it expects whites to love, first and foremost, the infinite riches created by European man.

