The Lunatic Left Versus Patriotism

Remember — patriotism in its original form  is from the Latin word PATER meaning father.Thus the true meaning of patriotism is loyalty to a bloodline, a kindred ethnic stock.

On this 4th of July we need to ask ourselves exactly what is patriotism. Is it loyalty to a form of government? What if that government is working against your interests?Is your loyalty unconditional? How long would you stay with an unfaithful spouse? Is your loyalty to a piece a land, mere real estate? Populations change over time.The land may stay the same but people make a nation,land does not make a nation. A nation’s strength is not dependent on how large its landmass is.

Alas, most Americans are politically immature compared to Europeans.Americans tend to confuse the concepts of nation,government, and country.They think they are all one and the same, or at least interchangeable. In reality a country is a piece of land,whereas government is the political ruling class governing said peice of land. This leadership may be constructive or destructive. In the case of the present United States it is destructive of the people’s liberty and the sovereignty of the nation. Is  patriotism loyalty to institutions? Institutions can become corrupt and infiltrated over time so that the inner substance changes whereas the outer form remains the same.Only the politically aware can tell the difference,the majority of the masses never can.

Is patriotism loyalty to the constitution? What good is a constitution if it is so ambiguous that a panel of judges is needed to tell the masses what it actually means?


Remember that patriotism in its original form  is from the Latin word PATER meaning father.Thus the true meaning of patriotism is loyalty to a bloodline, a kindred ethnic stock.The founding fathers understood that individual rights and constitutional government,the so called social contract theory,was a social and historical development among people of Anglo-Saxon ancestry. From the Magna Carta to the English Bill of Rights,to the Mayflower Compact,to the Declaration of Independence to the Articles of Confederation, the love of liberty is a trait unique to Anglo-Saxon, Germanic peoples. It is not a universal trait found among all mankind.Thomas Paine understood this as did Thomas Jefferson. One only has to examines their writings for proof of this. Only liberals and multiracialists cannot understand this since they believe all humanity shares the same motivations, ideals, desires,and destiny.

We can see this faulty reasoning in Zimbabwe and South Africa. Both nations, according to liberals and diversity mongers, were to be shining examples of democracy and progress once the evil,racist, whites were removed from power.Instead they have become interracial hellholes beset with epidemic crime, pervasive anti-white racism, and AIDS reaching catastrophic levels. It’s hardly the egalitarian paradise the liberals believe would arise. Thus do we call them the lunatic left!
