He versus “It”

You will notice in the Declaration of Independence that as King George III was accused of atrocious and intemperate behavior he was called “he.” But in the same context “it” would mean today’s system with its endless turnpikes of bureaucratic indulgences.

By Frank Roman

Audio Version

In 1775 Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. The purpose of the Declaration was to declare and explain why the thirteen colonies were breaking away from King George III and Great Britain’s control. Jefferson starts off the Declaration of Independence by explaining why he is writing this proposal. He starts off by telling the world what is wanted by the colonies. He talks about the rights and powers the people by way of birth deserve and ought to have. Jefferson says, “…, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable** Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”  He then goes into tell how it’s also the right of the colonies to break away from Great Britain if Great Britain is not treating the colonies well. Jefferson says, “That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government…” adding “The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.”

And so, as we all should recognize, the colonists of the original thirteen colonies were tired of the subjugation of Britain for years. They had to live in fear of the British soldiers who pretty much could have their way with them; they were under the capricious rule of King George III and his all seeing goon squads. They had to abide by laws which were blatantly unfair to them and arbitrary, and they groaned under an enormous tax burden. Their British kinsmen seemed to be getting richer overseas as they were getting poorer trying to survive in an unmapped land; inhabited by “merciless Indian Savages whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions.”

So they decided to do something about it by drafting and writing a Declaration of Independence, which would finally allow them to break from the rule of Britain’s King George III, to give themselves their own government. This Declaration states that a government should be run by the wishes of the people –for the people– rather than a tyrant or royal dominion. If this doesn’t happen, they said, the people have the right to mutiny; which as we know they eventually did — and won. However, you can be sure a high number of people in 1776 liked things just the way were with King George, controlling every aspect of their lives that protected their vested interests in the system, their comfort, or both, and they fought tooth and nail to prevent the establishment of a new nation. Additionally, the Founding Fathers were nearly all white separatists, and the infinitely better –yet imperfect– Republic they handed down to us was, for all intents and purposes, a European based separatist nation. That’s why they didn’t hand out citizenship papers to the Indians or Africans in their midst. That’s why they didn’t run down to the Rio Grande and hold open the door for Mexicans to come in and do the work Americans won’t do. That’s why every painting, woodcarving, lithograph and artistic rendering you have ever seen of that period is filled with the sons and daughters of Europe. They themselves were the essence of what made America a great nation. And it remained that way for nearly 200 years until everything went to hell in a hand basket just prior to and during 1960s.

Now when Mr. Jefferson sat down and drafted the Declaration of Independence he was actually writing a kind of personal letter directly to the tyrant / person known as King George III on behalf of the colonists.  In this so-called letter to a despot Thomas Jefferson said “the history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States.” In short he was telling the king why they were done with him, why they no longer felt any loyalty to him or the need to curtsy at the very mention of his name. This was most nearly a one-on-one correspondence but in open letter form; the horrible outcome of which was pretty much in the bag. So in order to make things as clear as possible to King George III Mr. Jefferson decided to “let Facts be submitted to a candid world.”  He specifically listed a long inventory of accusations, of facts as he called them, which caused him and the colonists to finally wash their hands of Ye Olde King George. You will notice too that as King George was accused of atrocious and intemperate behavior he was called “he.” So there was no mistaking exactly who was the target of the colonists’ ire. Therefore I have to wonder, to whom would we address just such a letter today? Back then the colonists were mad as hell at King George. But today the same letter would have to be directed to an “it.” By “it” I mean today’s system and its endless turnpikes of bureaucratic indulgence. By “it” I’m talking about the utterly corrupted three branches of government, the executive legislative and judicial branches. By “it” I’m talking about nearly all of the drones who work in the District of Corruption in Washington; the hypocrites and the liars, the multiculturalists and the social engineers, the globalists and the open border crowd. By It I’m talking about a letter to the media of news and entertainment who pass through a filter what we are supposed to know and who denigrate and twist people’s perception of their very existence; who control the DC drones and everyone else through fear lest they step outside the established parameters of political discourse. When we say It instead of He I’m talking about a nameless, faceless, unfeeling monstrosity of a system, interconnected with itself and keenly aware of what each official and unofficial, each military and civilian division is doing to maintain its unpredictable power.

For example, it was He –King George– who “has made Judges dependent on his Will alone for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.” It was He King George who “has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people and eat out their substance.” It was He –King George– who was directly responsible “for imposing Taxes on us without our Consent, suspending our own Legislatures, and declaring themselves invested with power to legislate for us in all cases whatsoever.” It was King George who established “therein an Arbitrary government (of the King’s making), and enlarging its Boundaries so as to render it…a fit instrument for introducing the same absolute rule into these Colonies; who “has excited domestic insurrections amongst us.”

I think you get the point, ladies and gentlemen. Today it is the system, (an) It we are up against instead of a He inasmuch as the colonists who were tired of being afraid were in contest with the very messianic King George III. In no uncertain terms we as a people are facing even worse affronts and our petition of grievances would be even more extensive, especially in terms of our genetic displacement as It has turned a powerful ethno state into the world’s flophouse. So as an added bonus –It rather than He– plays up racial relativism and the abnormal creation of widespread thankfulness for it by depriving, silencing and discrediting any rational criticism put out by Eurocentric groups whenever it can. 

But all is not lost, not by a long shot. I want to tell you in spite of a tendency for yours truly to wax cynical I am utterly convinced we are going to rise up above the internal struggle over the very meaning of Western civilization and reject the multicultural global sickness that grips our nation. For a long time now I have sensed the recognizable beginnings of a connection among our own kind, whether they are even aware of it or not, a realization that our so-called leaders do not represent our interests and there are remedies we can take –and follow– to their foregone conclusions, as long as we have the will. I consider these phenomena to be a shared experience similar to what the authors of the Declaration of Independence lived with. A growing number of people are continuing to realize that partisanship, the left versus the right, political correctness and the like has helped pave the way for a so-called “democracy” where money, media policy are the only things that count, and votes are all but meaningless. Righteous anger has been building; and if I stand correct that change has occurred in a higher number of people this Independence Day than last year’s celebration. (Thanks Barack!) In fact there are numerous manifestations of the same kind of patriotism occurring around the world. Just recently Ireland told the EU where to stick its new federal wish list with Poland about to follow suit. In Italy, our forces smashed the far left into electoral oblivion, taking important seats at the top and establishing the toughest laws against Third World immigration the world has ever seen a Western nation implement. In the UK earlier this year, the BNP gained at least one hundred elected offices nationwide, and elected a member to the Greater London Authority, an extremely important win that has deeply wounded the loony left. Also this past spring in Germany, an outnumbered group of nationalists took an aggressive posture and turned back against a violent criminal mob of May Day fascists and sent them running for their mothers. And in the US May Day rallies in favor of illegal immigration, amnesty and open borders were at a record low, while opposition numbers swelled, among them proud EAU members who were warmly welcomed by fellow patriots and the public. So you see the climate is changing all across our world: the days of political correctness and the evils that flow from it are in serious jeopardy. And I daresay the Founding Fathers of this Nation saw the same development.

As John Adams, the second American President and sponsor of the American Revolution in Massachusetts once said: “The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people; a change in their religious sentiments of their duties and obligations…. This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments, and affections of the people, was the real American Revolution.” And I’d say if things continue to roll according to the innate tendencies of our people we could well be witnessing an ongoing Second American Revolution taking place in the hearts and minds of the people; which is to say It’s days may very well be numbered. Like I said in a previous broadcast: ‘it will be a slow process, no doubt about it, but it has to be an effective process and we can call it whatever we want: ideological subversion, psychological warfare, or whatever.’ Everything you do or even think must be rooted in not only bringing It down but more importantly lifting up your people. In terms of EAU activism, what it comes down to is this: by engaging in safe, rock-solid, effectual and responsible activism as needed, you are changing the perception of reality of every European American; to turn them against those elements in the current system that is detrimental. Because of the wealth of information we now have at our disposal we all have the ability to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending ourselves, our families, our country and our demography, and this will involve willpower, period. Remember it takes at least 15 to 20 years to educate one generation of students by their enemies; exposed to the ideology of multiculturalism, miscegenation and open borders. In other words, a brand of Marxist ideology is being pumped into their heads without being challenged or counterbalanced by the fundamental values of American patriotism brought to this continent by their very own forefathers, our children’s forefathers’ Ultimately, however, we want to have in place a determined, unyielding force to be reckoned with who will go to the mat for the continuation of their folk… and again like I’ve said before –whether we live to see it or not. So on behalf of your history, your posterity and your offspring, and in honor of our European kinsmen who told King George III how it was going to be, EAU asks that you do what you can, wherever you are, with what you have.

‘Our goal is be Absolved from all Allegiance to the System (from the British Crown) as we know it, and that all political connection between ourselves and the system (State of Great Britain), is and ought to be totally dissolved; and that as a Free and Independent People (States), we alone will have full Power to levy War, conclude Peace, contract Alliances, establish Commerce, and to do all other Acts and Things which Independent People (States) may of right do. — And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.’

**I was once advised that inalienable, while prounced differently than the way most people say it, actually means something that should not have a “lien” put against it. Additionally, pronouncing the portion of the word –“alienable”– always sounded hackneyed to me anyway. — FR
