Obama’s Endorsements From Our Enemies

Why Can’t Barack Obama Catch a Break from them?

from Highly-Opinionated.com

Presidential candidates often seek out endorsements from prominent figures not only nationally, but throughout the world, during election years. What, however, does it say for a candidate when a nation’s enemies endorse a candidate?

It’s a conspiracy theorist’s dream situation that Barack Hussein Obama finds himself facing.

The Democratic party front-runner and likely nominee in the upcoming Denver national convention has overcome the Clinton machine, rising through the ranks quickly to go from Congress into not even a full term in the Senate, into the launching position to become, possibly, the President of the United States.

His quick rise to fame and popularity is a tale straight out of the Brothers Grimm; a fairy tale ascension to power from the local to the national level, with a somewhat Messianic appeal to the public that hasn’t been seen since the 1930’s in Germany. Captivating audiences initially with his message of hope and change, Obama quickly soared into position to take on the “inevitable” Hillary Clinton campaign, ultimately defeating her and ending her hopes of becoming the first woman to gain the White House in the 2008 election cycle.But what cost to the nation does the rise of Obama bring? His campaign catch phrases, “hope and change,” have done little, really, to address a hope in what, or to address what changes that he intends for the nation, other than mentions of higher taxes and the promise to bring our combat forces home from Iraq within the first year and a half of his administration.

Perhaps, in seeking the true nature and character of the man, candidate Barack Hussein Obama, one should begin by looking at his list not of detractors, but at his list of supporters, and examine the causes they represent.

Jesse Jackson political activist and civil rights activist. Very spotty since the King days in his methods of promoting social and political change. Jackson has also been called a “shadow senator” from the District of Columbia.

Jane Fonda – actress and war protester who posed with North Vietnamese forces in a photo-op during the Vietnam War.

Danny Glover – actor cum political activist known for his support of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.

Bill Maher – Comedian and political commentator host of Politically Incorrect (which it is anything but), known for his anti-American and anti-Christian remarks.

Spike Lee – actor, political activist, director, known for his controversial race relations films and statements.

Mayor Douglas Wilder – Mayor of Richmond, Virginia, and former Governor of Virginia, who called for riots at the Denver DNC if Obama was not the party nominee.
