Le Pen Blasts New French Political Correctness

French nationalist veteran hammers latest double standard

By Jean Marie Le Pen

Scarcely had the French Parliament transposed (into the French Constitution) three directives from the EU on the fight against discrimination, than the European Parliament adopted a resolution calling on the European Commission to decree a new directive, this one against all discrimination, direct and indirect, and adding to its catalogue the designation of “multiple discrimination.”

But at the same time it justifies the discrimination known as “affirmative action”, disguised as “positive action”, and insists that it be put into general use.

This totalitarian document, that defies the most elementary distinctions, requires a special legislation, multiplies the potential for punishment and lawsuits, and gives an exorbitant role to the anti-racist and ethnic lobbies.

It goes so far as to claim that different treatment based on nationality or language can constitute indirect racial or ethnic discrimination.The French citizens must know the extent of anti-discrimination madness, conceived as an instrument for the destruction of nations and of the most legitimate differences. They will have an opportunity to express their refusal of this intolerable dictatorship during the next European elections.
